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Piper John
Tripp Paul David
Hughes R. Kent
DeYoung Kevin
Jamieson Bobby
Ortlund Dane
Packer J. I
Poythress Vern S
Ryken Leland
Butler Kathryn
Carson D. A
Dever Mark
Grudem Wayne
Köstenberger Andreas J
Leeman Jonathan
Murray David
Ryken Philip Graham
Calvin John
Henry Carl F. H
Lloyd-Jones Martyn
Nancy Guthrie
Reeves Michael
Reinke Tony
Schaeffer Francis A
Storms Sam
Trueman Carl R
Wilson Jared C
Brownback Lydia
Furman Gloria
MacArthur John
Mahaney Carolyn
O'Donnell Douglas Sean
Ortlund Ray
Owen John
Spurgeon Charles H
Beeke Joel
Gilbert Greg
Jr. Gene Edward Veith
Jr. Voddie Baucham
Mathis David
Powlison David
Schreiner Thomas R
Wilkin Jen
Chapell Bryan
Cole Graham A
Collins C. John
Crabtree Sam
Feinberg John S
Fernando Ajith
Forster Greg
Gentry Peter J
Gibson Jonathan
Hansen Collin
Harmon Matthew S
Helm David R
John MD Dunlop
Jones Mark
Jr. James M. Hamilton
Kell J. Garrett
Lanier Greg
Lawrence Michael
LeFebvre Michael
McKinley Mike
McLaughlin Rebecca
Naselli Andrew David
Ortlund Gavin
Poe Harry Lee
Ryle J. C
Sanders Fred
Welch Edward T
Woodhouse John
Allberry Sam
Allen Lewis
Allison Gregg R
Barrs Jerram
Bavinck Herman
Baxter Richard
Benge Dustin
Bloom Jon
Boice James Montgomery
Bray Gerald
Bruno Chris
Buzzard Justin
Carlson Lindsey
Catherwood Christopher
Chandler Matt
Chase Mitchell L
Chester Tim
Cole Cameron
Cosper Mike
Craig William Lane
DiMarcangelo Amy
Dodson Jonathan K
Duke Alex
Dunlop Jamie
Emadi Matthew
Emadi Sam
Ferguson Sinclair B
Folmar Keri
Geisler Norman L
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Many new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, and pastors are looking for resources to pass along to their congregations to help them think biblically about the Christian life. 9Marks Church Questions is a new series that seeks to provide ordinary Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions Christians have about church life. Each volume offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment. This booklet gives readers the biblical basis and practical tips for sharing the gospel with those who aren't Christians, demonstrating how evangelism is doable for all believers, even those who feel like they aren't particularly gifted in evangelism.
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Ten-year-old Jake struggles to understand his grandma's death. But as he spends two weeks at his grandfather's home, he is able to receive answers to his questions about Heaven. As Jake and Grandpa fish, watch the stars, and take long walks, Grandpa shares what the Bible says about the reality and beauty of Heaven. As Jake learns the truth about Heaven, he begins to better understand and accept his grandmother's death. As readers uncover the truths in the dialogue between Grandpa and Jake, they will better appreciate the home that awaits all who place their faith in Christ.
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"For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come." –Hebrews 13:14 At the very heart of God's plan for the world stands an extraordinary city. Beginning with the garden of Eden in Genesis and ending with the New Jerusalem in Revelation, the biblical story reveals how God has been working throughout history to establish a city filled with his glorious presence. Tracing the development of the theme of city in both testaments, T. Desmond Alexander draws on his experience as a biblical scholar to show us God's purpose throughout Scripture to dwell with his redeemed people in a future extraordinary city on a transformed earth. Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.
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If marriage shows us the shape of the gospel, singleness shows us its sufficiency. Much of what we commonly assume about singleness—that it is primarily about the absence of good things like intimacy, family, or meaningful ministry—is either flat-out untrue or, at the very least, shouldn't be true. To be single, we often think, is to be alone and spiritually hindered. But the Bible paints a very different picture of singleness: it is a positive gift and blessing from God. This book seeks to help Christians—married and unmarried alike—value singleness as a gift from God so that we can all encourage singles to take hold of the unique opportunities their singleness affords and see their role in the flourishing of the church as a whole.
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"God's eternal plan for us involves our body. We can't write off our physical life as spiritually irrelevant." —Sam Allberry There's a danger in focusing too much on the body. There's also a danger in not valuing it enough. In fact, the Bible has lots to say about the body. With the coming of Jesus, "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us"—flesh that was pierced and crushed for the sins of the world. In What God Has to Say about Our Bodies, Sam Allberry explains that all of us are fearfully and wonderfully made, and should regard our physicality as a gift. He offers biblical guidance for living, including understanding gender, sexuality, and identity; dealing with aging, illness, and death; and considering the physical future hope that we have in Christ. In this powerfully written book, you'll gain a new understanding for the immeasurable value of our bodies and God's ultimate plan to redeem them.
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Resilient Faith / Lewis Allen. - [miejsce nieznane] : Crossway : Legimi, 2023.
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Lewis and Sarah Allen Teach Young Christians How to Approach Difficulties and Disappointments Biblically We all encounter problems and challenges on a daily basis, ranging from small things—traffic, losing your keys, or running late—to much bigger issues—job insecurity, health issues, and relationship struggles. What should a believer in Christ do in the face of such adversities? Authors Lewis and Sarah Allen propose that while the world may teach us one way to approach challenges, there is a better way—complete dependence on Christ and pursuit of wise living. With the help of the Holy Spirit, Christians are able to live more joy-filled lives in the midst of adversity. In a conversational and personal tone, the Allens walk through key biblical passages as they relate to challenges and share stories, case studies, and illustrations to encourage us to rely on Christ and commit to his church in the battle of Christian life. - Ideal for New or Young Christians: Especially those feeling discouraged by doubt and disappointment - Engaging and Interactive: Includes case studies and illustrations, with questions and prayers at the end of every chapter - Practical and Realistic: Readers will receive biblical direction for applying these principles to their daily lives
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Your work as a pastor can make it easy to overlook the deep needs of your own soul. These 43 questions and answers, written to reflect the format of historic catechisms, seek to provide nourishment for weary pastors in the thick of ministry. Each chapter features content designed to care for your spiritual health, feeding your mind and heart with life-giving truth aimed at helping you press on in ministry with endurance, contentment, and joy.
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What is a church? This can be a difficult question to answer and Christians have offered a variety of perspectives. Gregg Allison thus explores and synthesizes all that Scripture affirms about the new covenant people of God, capturing a full picture of the biblical church. He covers the topics of the church's identity and characteristics; its growth through purity, unity, and discipline; its offices and leadership structures; its ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper; and its ministries. Here is a rich approach to ecclesiology consisting of sustained doctrinal reflection and wise, practical application. Part of the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series.
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The Church / Gregg R. Allison. - [miejsce nieznane] : Crossway : Legimi, 2021.
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What comes to mind when you think of the word church? In this volume, Gregg R. Allison helps define the church and its mission by presenting an overview of the specific doctrines and practices of different churches and denominations. He lays a basic foundation for better understanding the common practices among local church communities ("mere ecclesiology") and the ways that they diverge from one another ("more ecclesiology"). Through this systematic primer, you will come away knowing not only how various churches differ but also how they're ultimately united as the body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit.
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2014 Popular Theology Book of the Year - World Magazine How do you view the world? It's a big question. And how you answer is one of the most important things about you. Not sure what you'd say? Join James Anderson on an interactive journey of discovery aimed at helping you understand and evaluate the options when it comes to identifying your worldview. Cast in the mold of a classic "Choose Your Own Adventure" story, What's Your Worldview? will guide you toward finding intellectually satisfying answers to life's biggest questions—equipping you to think carefully about not only what you believe but why you believe it and how it impacts the rest of your life.
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Overcoming Apathy / Uche Anizor. - [miejsce nieznane] : Crossway : Legimi, 2022.
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Understanding Apathy and How to Combat It For many Christians, apathy can feel inescapable. They experience a lack of motivation and a growing indifference to important things, with some even struggling to care about anything at all. This listlessness can spill over into our spiritual lives, making it difficult to pray, read the Bible, or engage in our communities. Have we resigned ourselves to apathy? Do we recognize it as a sin? How can we fight against it? In Overcoming Apathy, theology professor Uche Anizor explains what apathy is and gives practical, biblical advice to break the cycle. Inspired by his conversations with young Christians as well as his own experiences with apathy, Anizor takes a fresh look at this widespread problem and its effect on spiritual maturity. First, he highlights the prevalence of apathy in our culture, using examples from TV, movies, and social media. Next, he turns to theologians, philosophers, and psychologists to further define apathy. Finally, Anizor explores causes, cures, and healthy practices to boldly overcome apathy in daily life, taking believers from spiritual lethargy to Christian zeal. This short ebook is an excellent resource for those struggling with apathy as well as parents, mentors, and friends who want to support someone in need. - Examines the Individual and Cultural Experience of Apathy: Analyzes the concept, experience, and healing from apathy; explores influences from philosophers to pop culture to understand its nature - Practical Steps for Dealing with Apathy: Identifies 7 causes as well as healthy habits to fight against indifference - Accessible for Students and Mentors: A great guide for high school and college students and those who counsel them; youth and young adult pastors; teachers; and anyone struggling with apathy or who knows someone who is
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The cliché is that those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. But Thabiti Anyabwile contends that it is not the mistakes we must study; it is the people who have overcome them. So he presents three of the most influential African-American pastors in American history who can teach us what faithful ministry entails. Lemuel Haynes (1753-1833) reminds pastors that eternity must shape our ministry. Daniel A. Payne (1811-1893) stresses the importance of character and preparation to faithful shepherding. And Francis J. Grimké (1850-1937) provides a vision for engaging the world with the gospel. While they are from the African-American tradition, they, like all true saints, belong to all Christians of every background and era. Distinctive for its use of rare and out-of-print messages, Anaybwile's work is valuable as a reference as well as a devotional resource.
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"This book was written to help you see and understand that God is the Giver of life. You are his child. He cares deeply about you. When you hurt, he hurts with you." —from the Introduction Infertility is the profoundly wounding experience of many couples, often leading to feelings of despair and shame as they grapple with shattered dreams and unanswered questions. But God does not leave them alone in their pain. The Creator and Redeemer of life has not forsaken the infertile, but has called and equipped them to participate in his church, kingdom, and mission. Overflowing with warmth and sensitivity, this book explores what the Bible says about infertility, helping the church walk alongside couples struggling with infertility and assessing the ethical issues surrounding common fertility treatments and reproductive technologies.
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How should Christians understand anger, evaluate it, and respond for good? We all struggle with anger at times: Our plans suddenly fall through, we lose a prized possession, or our reputation is called into question. More often than not, when anger knocks at the doors of our hearts we easily allow it to take over. But what if getting to the heart of our anger also reveals the way to transform it? Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley address this question by bringing to bear what the whole Bible has to say about sinful anger—revealing that anger is the sinful response when something we value more than God is taken away or threatened. They reflect on biblical portraits of human anger, God's righteous anger, and how only the gospel of Jesus Christ brings true freedom—transforming a heart of anger into a heart filled with the love of God.
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The whole world has a stake in the war against poverty and leaders across the globe are looking for a permanent solution. That's why economist Barry Asmus and theologian Wayne Grudem have teamed up to outline a robust proposal for fighting poverty on a national level. These two experts believe the solution lies in a comprehensive development plan that integrates the principles of a free market system with the Bible's teachings on social ethics. Speaking to the importance of personal freedom, the rule of law, private property, moral virtue, and education, this book offers a clear path for promoting economic prosperity and safeguarding a country's long-term stability—a sustainable solution for a world looking for the way forward.
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An In-Depth Biography on the Life and Work of Missionary Elisabeth Elliot Elisabeth Elliot (1926–2015) is one of the most widely known Christians of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. After the death of her husband, Jim, and four other missionaries at the hands of Waorani tribesmen in Ecuador, Elliot famously returned to live among the same people who had killed her husband. Her legacy, however, extends far beyond these events. In the years that followed, Elliot became a prolific writer and speaker, touching the lives of countless people around the world. In this single-volume biography, Lucy S. R. Austen takes readers on an in-depth journey through the life of Elisabeth Elliot—her birth to missionary parents, her courtship and marriage to Jim Elliot, her missions work in Ecuador, and her private life and public work after she returned to the United States. Through Elliot's example of love for God and obedience to his commands, readers will ponder what it means to follow Jesus. - Single-Volume Biography on Elisabeth Elliot: Author Lucy S. R. Austen explores Elliot's professional articles, books, and radio programs, as well as personal scrapbooks, journals, and letters - Engaging: Tells the complex and moving life story of one of the most well-known Christian missionaries - A Great Resource for Students: Thoroughly researched book provides information about Elliot beyond her work with the Waorani people and her first husband's death
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6 Powerful, God-Honoring Principles to Increase Productivity Many people today idolize achievement, driven by validation, status, or financial gain. Others lack self-discipline and motivation altogether. How can Christians pursue healthy, biblical goal-setting that avoids extremes? In this user-friendly guide, Ana Ávila teaches 6 principles to help you honor God with all you have and reflect his character through your creativity. Along with a gospel-centered perspective on life, you'll learn skills to increase efficiency, such as forming healthy habits, using productivity tools, creating tasks and projects, and more. Whether you are achievement-oriented or struggle with discipline, Ávila will show you how to reorient your time, boundaries, decisions, focus, habits, and tools around God's main design for productivity: serving him and helping others. - A Great Introduction to Productivity: Explains how to effectively steward time, resources, and wisdom from a biblical perspective - Interactive: Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and action steps - Practical Life Skills: Includes sample schedules, tips for forming healthy habits, and more - Previously Published in Spanish
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Our culture has a few catch phrases: Be who you want to be; Do what makes you happy. We are told to do our own thing and follow our own rules, which often makes the Bible appear to be oppressively restrictive and hopelessly outdated, even to Christians! Responding to the misdirection of our society and misperceptions the church has of God's law, Professor Jerram Barrs helps readers recognize the beauty in and purpose of God's rules for living healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives. From the Old Testament to the New, Barrs demonstrates how God's commands to his people were intended to protect them from sin and direct them in godliness. Rejecting the idea that we can earn God's favor through good works, Barrs nevertheless highlights how God's commands should spur us to obedience and ultimately remind us of grace.
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Studying Jesus' conversations with diverse people in his day, Jerram Barrs draws lessons and principles for attractively communicating the gospel to unbelievers in our day. Living in a culture that is opposed to Christianity tempts God's people to conform, to retreat, to be silent. But Jesus showed the way to live faithfully before an unbelieving world. As the greatest evangelist, Jesus exemplified how to attract people to the gospel. He modeled how to initiate spiritual conversations full of grace and truth. Christian evangelism, then, both in theory and practice, must be shaped by his pattern. Seeking to articulate the passions and principles present in Christ's life and words, longtime L'Abri staff member Jerram Barrs has studied Jesus' diverse encounters with people throughout the Gospels. Each chapter of Learning Evangelism from Jesus recounts one of those stories, draws useful lessons for readers' lives and communication of the gospel, and concludes with questions for further reflection and application. This highly practical book will guide Christians in how to live before unbelievers and how to love them into the kingdom, just as Jesus did.
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For the First Time in English, a Foundational Work of One of the Church's Most Important Theologians As some point in life, we all wonder: Who am I? What is the world, and what is my place within it? Only Christianity offers answers to these questions in a way that meets our truest needs and satisfies our deepest longings. In this important book, translated into English for the first time, Herman Bavinck provides a framework for understanding why the Christian worldview is the only solution to the discord we feel between ourselves, the world, and God.
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