Źródło opisu
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Dickens Charles
Alcott Louisa May
London Jack
Carter David
Fitzgerald F. Scott
Jaber Kamel Abu
James Henry
Stevenson Robert Louis
Twain Mark
Adler-Olsen Jussi
Aldrich Mildred
Arnim Elizabeth von
Austen Jane
Austen. Jane
Baum Frank
Baum Frank L
Bennet Arnold
Borden Mary
Brinton Sybil
Bronte Charlotte
Brontë Charlotte
Burnett Frances Hodgson
Burton Robert
Chase Owen
Collins Wilkie
Cox Jessica
David Safier
Donne John
Doyle Arthur Conan
Fischer Erica
Fitzgerald Percy
Freud Sigmund
Futrelle Jacques
Gibbon Lewis Grassic
Gilman Charlotte Perkins
Goudge Elizabeth
Grey Zane
Guilleragues Gabriel
Hamao Shiro
Hastings Milo M
Hawthorne Nathaniel
Hiltunen Pekka
Houdini Harry
Kipling Rudyard
Lawrence Robert Means
Mann Klaus
Northup Solomon
O'Brien Fitz-James
Pankhurst Emmeline
Porter Eleanor H
Puenzo Lucía
Robertson Morgan
Shelley Mary
Smith Dodie
Swisher Clayton
Waiblinger Wilhelm
Wallace Edgar
Walpole Horace
Wiggin Kate Douglas
Wilde Oscar
Woolf Virginia
Zola Émile
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
80 wyników Filtruj
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A gripping, psychological war thriller from bestselling Jussi Adler-Olsen, author of the Department Q series. Germany, World War II. Two English pilots are shot down and crash land behind enemy lines. The area swarming with German troops, they have only minutes to crawl from the wreckage and make their escape. Boarding a train reserved for wounded SS men on the way home from the eastern front, they ditch their clothing and personal belongings and pose as German soldiers, hiding for days in soiled, bloody beds, feigning unconsciousness. But their act is too convincing and they find find themselves being transferred to Alphabet House, a mental hospital for those damaged by war. How will they escape? And for how long can you simulate insanity without going crazy for real? They are playing a dangerous game and it seems they might not be the only ones in Alphabet House hiding secrets... Alphabet House is a page-turning psychological thriller, containing the same panache and style fans will have come to know and love from Jussi-Adler Olsen's Department Q series and is a great introduction for those who are yet to discover this award-winning author.
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It is three years since we last met the inimitable March sisters and much has changed since we left them as Little Women at the close of the last book. Meg, the eldest and most sensible of the sisters, is preparing to marry Mr Brooke. She no longer works as a governess, instead happily looking after her young twins, Demi and Daisy. Jo, as ever the life and soul of any gathering, goes to live in New York where she works as a governess. She is concerned that Laurie, the March girls' friend and neighbour, may be planning to propose to her and she will have to refuse him because she doesn't love him. Beth, the sweet and kind third daughter, is becoming more ill by the day. She has never recovered from the scarlet fever and now it looks as though her health may go from bad to worse. And Amy, the darling baby of the family, seems finally to be catching up with her elder sisters. She goes on a tour to Europe, developing her considerable artistic skills and will end up surprising them all by marrying someone the family knows very well indeed… An intriguing sequel to the better known Little Women, Good Wives is a more mature book and shows some of the harsher realities the girls face in difficult times. Ultimately it is just as uplifting as its better known prequel with a strikingly modern message of female empowerment.
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Jo's Boys follows the progress of the Plumfield Boys (Jo Bhaer's idyllic school), ten years on. Now college students, the boys have evolved into complex creatures. Falling in love and making their way in life, they are faced with trials and tribulations. Emil's career as a sailor runs into trouble as he is shipwrecked on his first voyage as second mate. Dan goes west to seek his fortune but soon finds himself in prison, but also in love with the unobtainable Bess - Amy's beautiful daughter. Nat embarks on a musical career in Europe and thus leaves behind his Daisy. Tommy takes on medical school. Throughout it all Jo presides over her brood, counselling, comforting and guiding her 'boys'. Touching, moving and tumultuous, this is Alcott's writing at its best, with the reader heavily invested in her complex characters and their fate.
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The third work in Louisa May Alcott's quartet of Little Women books, Little Men picks up the narrative after the end of Good Wives and follows Jo's progress in life. After her marriage to Professor Friedrich Bhaer, Jo uses the money from her inheritance from Aunt March to set up a school at Plumfield. Their latest arrival is Nat Blake, a timid orphan boy whose life so far has been spent playing the violin to make money on the streets. Nat joins the ten other children at the school - a gang made up of neglected children, orphans and also Meg's twin boy and girl. The touching friendship and camaraderie between the group is expertly described. The peaceful equilibrium of the school is troubled though when Nat introduces Dan to the mix; the latter then leads the boys into experimenting with drinking, smoking, fighting and playing cards. Moving and poignant, Little Men is far from saccharine and emotions run high throughout, particularly with the death of a prominent character towards the end of the tale. Part of a series of books much loved, adapted and imitated, this tale is brought back to a new audience in Hesperus's new editions of Louisa May Alcott titles.
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The four March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy live in Concord, Massachussetts, with their beloved mother while their father is stationed far away as an army chaplain in the civil war. Although not well off financially they are nonetheless well known in the neighbourhood for their charitable work. The girls amuse themselves at home with imaginative fun and games, including performing plays and writing sketches. They are the picture of a loving family and each daughter has her own part to play in it. As time passes each sister grows to understand her own strengths and weaknesses. By trial and frequent error, under the supportive eye of their mother, they grow in confidence and find their characters. Many people in the community become very fond of the girls and they forge friendships with numerous neighbours. But difficult situations and decisions lie ahead for the four sisters as the story unfolds. The March girls are so deftly and vividly drawn that everyone who reads this book will identify with one sister in the story, whether they are reading Little Women for the first time as a child or rereading it for the hundredth time as an adult.
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An unique civilian eye-view of the First World War, depicting, through letters, a fascinating before and after picture of a French community in disarray. What looked impossible is evidently coming to pass... …I silently returned to my garden and sat down. War again! This time war close by - not war about which one can read, as one reads it in the newspapers, as you will read it in the States, far away from it, but war right here - if the Germans can cross the frontier. A Hilltop on the Marne is a collection of letters written by Mildred Aldrich, an American expatriate who had bought a country farmhouse near Paris in the spring of 1914. Writing to her friends back home, she describes her idyllic life in Huiry, the minutiae of her farmhouse and her daily life. Ignoring the panicked pleadings of friends that she return to the United States as the political situation in Europe darkens, Aldrich stands firm in her decision to stay in France and her village, come what may. As war breaks out she looks out over Marne valley at the armies moving, hears the cannonade in the distance and watches as soldiers of all nations march down the lanes in turn. Aldrich's narrative goes on to describe the subsequent events of the war until America's entry into the fray and, returning to her narrative after the war, she described the process of rebuilding local life.
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A foreboding and darkly comic period thriller considered the inspiration for du Maurier's Rebecca, Vera is a deftly plotted masterpiece woven with intrigue. First published in 1921 and believed to have been the inspiration for Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca, Vera is a darkly comic thriller which drew on the author's own experience of unsuccessful marriage. When Lucy Entwhistle's father dies suddenly, she is left alone in the world struggling to find her place in life. But on the very same day she happens to meet the recently widowed Everard Wemyss. Their shared grief brings them together as they find in each other someone to talk to and in whom to confide, and Lucy finds a comforting hand to guide and protect her. As Wemyss' control over Lucy strengthens, an engagement seems imminent, only Lucy's aunt seems to apprehend some danger in the unsettling Wemyss. Returning from their honeymoon, Lucy takes up her place as mistress of 'The Willows', the Wemyss family home. But the spectre of Wemyss's first wife seems to hang heavy in the air as Lucy takes over the dead wife's sitting room and marital bed. With Everard's ever increasing controlling behaviour, the claustrophobic atmosphere deepens, and Lucy becomes more obsessed with the mysterious Vera. The oppressive situation threatens to build to crisis level. How did Vera really die? Can Lucy ever be happy at 'The Willows'? Vera is a forgotten thriller by a master of the genre, a brilliant exploration of the nature of control and love in the relationships between men and women.
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Lady Susan / Jane Austen. - [miejsce nieznane] : Hesperus Press Ltd. : Legimi, 2015.
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Inspired by Les Liaisons Dangereuses and written in a similar epistolary form, Lady Susan was one of Austen's earliest finished works. In it she reveals all the caustic wit and brilliant social satire of her later novels. The victim of a vicious scandal, impoverished Lady Susan is obliged to take up residence with her brother-in-law and his family. Refusing to resign herself to the role of placid house guest, she engineers to baffle her hosts, seducing her sister-in-law's brother in the process by means of her impeccable gentility and some well-judged flirtation. Yet before her victory is complete, she must first contend with the untimely reappearance of a former lover.
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Only single-volume edition available of this exciting dramatic early novella which is an unknown work for Jane Austen's many fans. Written in a series of letters to the daughter of a friend, Love and Friendship tells of a young girl's path to betrayal, by way of a seemingly ecstatic marriage.
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Who is Santa Claus? We all know he is real, but where did he come from, and how does he deliver presents to all the children of the world? In this wonderful book, L. Frank Baum, author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, tells the true story of Santa Claus, from being found as a baby in the woods to making the first toy the world has ever seen (a carving of his cat Blinkie), to the invention of the dolly, the Christmas stocking, the Christmas tree, his battles with the evil Awgwas and being granted the mantle of immortality so he can keep bringing joy to children for ever. Beautifully written, and with glorious new illustration by John Shelley, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus brings the magic of the Oz books to the life of Father Christmas. Introducing unforgettable characters like the Master Woodsman, Necile the Wood-Nymph and little Mayrie, who just wants a toy of her own, this is a book for children of all ages, and is as immortal as Santa Claus himself.
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The Emerald City is under attack from the cunning Nome King - can Dorothy help defeat him?
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Read the original guide to living life to the full and making every hour count in this classic twentieth-century self-help style volume. As you look back on the year that has just past, do you feel as though you spent another twelve months merely existing instead of truly living? Do you often go to bed at night with an anxious, sinking feeling that you wasted away another precious day? Originally published in 1910 and written by Arnold Bennett, How to Live on 24 Hours a Day argues time is the most precious resource you have and offers down-to-earth, practical advice about how to make the most of your day and how to strike the work life balance - an issue still at the forefront of modern society's concerns. The important lesson, according to Bennett, is to commit to carving out some time each day to do things that will really enrich your life and help you progress. Investing all your hours in a job you dislike; your routine consisting of getting up, going to work, coming home, unwinding and going to bed - Bennett argues that this is not living but simply existing. Bennett's solution is to make the most of the time either side of working hours, the commute, the evening hours, and that golden time, the weekend! Time can be spent in various pursuits, from literature, enjoying of the arts or even just time spent in reflection. This pioneering and original lifestyle and time management guide is succinctly and cleverly written in an easy-to-read and narrative style that readers will enjoy and find as useful today as it was a hundred years ago.
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Mary Borden worked for four years in an evacuation hospital unit following the front lines up and down the European theater of the First World War. This beautifully written book, to be read alongside the likes of Sassoon, Graves, and Remarque, is a collection of her memories and impressions of that experience. Describing the men as they march into battle, engaging imaginatively with the stories of individual soldiers, and recounting procedures at the field hospital, the author offers a perspective on the war that is both powerful and intimate.
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The first ever Jane Austen sequel written in 1914 follows Elizabeth Bennett, Mr Darcy and many other beloved characters embarking on new stages of life, new friendships and new romances. In writing Old Friends and New Fancies in 1914, Sybil Brinton trail-blazed the way with the very first Jane Austen sequel - a concept now much in vogue with the ongoing Austen Project, Death Comes to Pemberley, Longbourn and various continuing film adaptations. It is clear that Austen's literary career left generations of readers wanting read more… Taking in all of Jane Austen's preferred locations and backdrops, the plot of Old Friends and New Fancies takes us from London to Bath and, of course, to Pemberley. Picking up where Pride and Prejudice leaves off, Elizabeth and Mr Darcy are now happily married and the new bride has taken it upon herself to match-make for her single family and acquaintance - beginning with her new sister-in-law Georgiana and Colonel Fitzwilliam. Kitty Bennet too remains in the market for a husband - now she has grown up and sobered up a little. Austen fans will be thrilled to see such a wide palette of characters making their appearances, with personalities from each of her six novels playing a role in clever combinations. The union between Tom Bertram (from Mansfield Park) and Isabella Thorpe (from Northanger Abbey) is a brilliant new romance to discover. Yet it is also lovely to encounter once again the familiar tender relationship between Emma and Mr Knightley. Written in a style truly reminiscent of Austen's and making free use of her characters, Brinton's work is a must read for Austen fans and one which they will devour with relish.
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Charlotte Brontë's first ever book, The Professor, is a love story full of feeling and emotion told from a male viewpoint - a must read for Brontëfans. The first book ever to emerge from Charlotte Brontë's pen, The Professor is an autobiographically inspired romantic love story set in Brussels. Thinly veiling her personal experiences, Brontëunusually uses a male narrator, making this a fascinating and unique read. With the action played out in dark boarding-school classrooms and windy streets, Brontëweaves a tale of much emotion - one that foresees the longer, better-known saga Villette that was to follow many years later. Fresh out of Eton, orphaned William Crimsworth finds himself in an unenviable situation - a clerk to his little-educated, caddish mill-owner brother - until opportunity presents itself for a complete change of fortune. Crimsworth is offered a job in Brussels as a teacher in an all-girls boarding school, run by a M Pelet. Later headhunted to a better position by the beguiling Zoraide Reuter, Crimsworth believes himself slightly enamoured with his new employer - only to discover her secretly and perfidiously engaged to M Pelet. His new position almost intolerable, Crimsworth finds solace in teaching Frances Henri, a young Swiss-English seamstress teacher with promising intelligence and ear for language. Mlle Reuter though, jealous of the young professor's obvious partiality, dismisses Frances from her position. Crimsworth, in despair, is forced to resign from the school and takes up a ghostly existence in Brussels, roaming the streets in the hopes of finding his Frances. An often neglected classic, The Professor is not only a compellingly written novel but fascinating in its concern with gender issues, religion and social class, making it a book still studied today.
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When Charlotte's brother Branwell was given a set of 12 toy soldiers, an entire new imaginary world opened before them. The Twelves, or Young Men, became a constant source of inspiration for the Brontë children, spawning tales of swashbuckling adventure, darkest intrigue, doomed romance, and malevolent spirits. The four volumes of tales collected here make delightful reading, while offering a unique insight into Brontë family life and Charlotte's development as a writer.
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An exciting children's tale of espionage and revolution from the author of The Secret Garden and A Little Princess. From the author of A Little Princess and The Secret Garden comes a masterful adventure that will capture the imagination: a tale of destiny, revolution, family and friendship. Twelve-year-old Marco and his father, Stefan, are exiled citizens of the impoverished Eastern European nation of Samavia. They live in London, where Stefan often receives mysterious visitors and where Marco befriends a street urchin known only as Rat. Stefan decides to send the pair on a secret mission in Europe, carrying a coded message to fellow Samavian patriots across the continent. On their arrival in Europe, it quickly becomes clear that Marco and Rat might not know the whole story; everywhere they go, Samavian exiles show Marco particular attention, but it is not until their return to London that the magnitude of the secret hidden within him becomes clear. Burnett's evocation of early twentieth-century Europe is masterful, and her imaginative tale of political intrigue and family destiny will appeal to readers of all ages.
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Journey through the subject of melancholia in this easily accessible volume, touching on topics from love and sex to religion and geography. A new volume to add to Hesperus's unique and bestselling 'On' series.
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As explicit in his prose as he was in his private life, the Marquis de Sade remains one of the most controversial writers of all time. This new biography, by the acclaimed translator and author David Carter, promises to shock as much as it informs. Arrested many times for sexual misdemeanors, the Marquis de Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, where he was writing 120 Days of Sodom and The Misfortunes of Virtue at the time that it was stormed in 1789. After the French Revolution he was again imprisoned and sent to an asylum, where he wrote diaries and plays. This concise biography offers a fresh look at a relentlessly compelling figure with a fascinating life of scandal and imprisonment.
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Born to Jewish parents in mid-19th-century Austria, Sigmund Freud is a controversial figure needing no introduction, yet his reputation owes as much to myth as to the facts of his life and his work. Here, David Carter uncovers the man buried beneath the mythology, tracing the life of this inimitable figure from his origins as the gifted first born of eight children, through his stellar academic career and his relationships and rifts with famous figures such as Josef Breuer. Also explored is why, despite his groundbreaking work on psychoanalytic theories—including the functioning of the subconscious, the repression of trauma, and the psychological import of dreams—Freud has frequently been the subject of derision and ridicule.
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