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Montgomery L. M
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
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32 wyniki Filtruj
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A Tangled Web / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2018.
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Gay Penhallow was sitting next to Margaret and was not thinking of the jug at all. She did not want the jug, though her mother was wild about it. Spring was singing in her blood and she was lost in glamorous recollections of Noel’s kiss—and equally glamorous anticipations of Noel’s letter, which she had got at the post-office on her way up. As she heard it crackle in its hiding-place she felt the little thrill of joy which had tingled over her when old Mrs. Conroy had passed it out to her—his wonderful letter held profanely between a mail-order catalogue and a millinery advertisement. She had not dreamed of getting a letter, for she had seen him—and been kissed—only the night before. Now she had it, tucked away under her dress …
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Trzecia część przygód tytułowej bohaterki bestsellerowej powieści „Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza”.

Ania opuszcza Zielone Wzgórze i wyjeżdża na studia na uniwersytecie w Redmond. Życie studentki okazuje się pełne niespodziewanych wrażeń: na Anię czeka mnóstwo nowych wyzwań, z którymi musi się zmierzyć. Nowe przyjaźnie, rywalizacja o stypendium i nowa miłość to tylko część doświadczeń, które spotkają Anię na drodze do dorosłości.

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Ekskluzywna edycja oprawiona w delikatną gładką tkaninę o właściwościach jedwabiu.

Nowe przeżycia i przygody uroczej rudowłosej Ani Shirley, bohaterki bestsellerowej Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza.

Życie się zmienia, nabiera nowych barw i odcieni. Ania rezygnuje z wyjazdu na uniwersytet i rozpoczyna pracę jako nauczycielka w Avonlea i poznaje nowych, interesujących ludzi. Są to postacie intrygujące i pełne ciepła. Także w życiu uczuciowym Ani następują zmiany: z wielkim trudem przychodzi jej pogodzić się z nieubłaganym upływem czasu. Bohaterkę również irytuje to, że Gilbert pragnie czegoś więcej niż przyjaźni...

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Ekskluzywna edycja oprawiona w delikatną gładką tkaninę o właściwościach jedwabiu.

Pełna ciepła powieść Lucy Maud Montgomery o losach osieroconej Ani Shirley, która trafia pod opiekę rodzeństwa Maryli i Mateusza Cuthbertów w Avonlea. Choć niesforna, rudowłosa, obdarzona nietuzinkową wyobraźnią dziewczynka wprowadza w ich spokojnym i monotonnym życiu wiele zamętu, na Zielonym Wzgórzu wraz z nią pojawia się także prawdziwa przyjaźń, szczere przywiązanie i miłość.

Wielu wydawców początkowo odrzuciło tę powieść, ale w końcu doczekała się publikacji i niemal natychmiast stała się bestsellerem. Nic dziwnego, że Mark Twain po przeczytaniu książki nazwał Anię najukochańszym dzieckiem literackim od czasów Alicji w Krainie Czarów. I pozostaje nim do dziś.

Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza to nie tylko klasyka dzieciństwa, ale i doskonała powieść obyczajowa, która wzrusza, rozśmiesza i oczarowuje. Pozwól, by stała się integralną częścią i twoich wspomnień.

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Szósta część serii książek o Ani.

Ania Blythe z mężem Gilbertem i najstarszym synem Jemem przeprowadzają się do nowego domu, któremu nadają nazwę Złoty Brzeg. Na świat przychodzi tu piątka dzieci Blythe'ów: obdarzony bogatą wyobraźnią Walter, bliźniaczki Nan i Di oraz syn Shirley i najmłodsza córka Berta Maryla nazywana Rillą.

Rodzinną sielankę zakłóca nagły przyjazd wiecznie niezadowolonej i zgorzkniałej ciotki Gilberta, Mary Marii Blythe. Ciotka krytykuje wszystko i wszystkich. Nie podobają jej się metody wychowywania dzieci, nie aprobuje traktowania służącej Susan Baker jak członka rodziny, narzeka też na kuchnię i sposób prowadzenia domu. Nawet Ania, mimo dobrej woli i wyrozumiałości, zaczyna tracić cierpliwość.

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Anne of Avonlea / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2017.
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Following Anne of Green Gables (1908), the book covers the second chapter in the life of Anne Shirley. This book follows Anne from the age of 16 to 18, during the two years that she teaches at Avonlea school. It includes many of the characters from Anne of Green Gables, as well as new ones like Mr. Harrison, Miss Lavendar Lewis, Paul Irving, and the twins Dora and Davy ...
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Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
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Anne of Green Gables / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2017.
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As a child of imagination, Anne takes much joy in life and adapts quickly, thriving in the close-knit farming village. Her imagination and talkativeness soon brighten up Green Gables. The book recounts Anne's adventures in making a home: the country school where she quickly excels in her studies; her friendship with Diana Barry, the girl living next door (her best or "bosom friend" as Anne fondly calls her); her budding literary ambitions; and her rivalry with her classmate Gilbert Blythe, who teases her about her red hair. For that, he earns her instant hatred, although he apologizes many times. As time passes, Anne realizes she no longer hates Gilbert but cannot bring herself to speak to him ...
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libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
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Anne of The Island / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2017.
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"Harvest is ended and summer is gone," quoted Anne Shirley, gazing across the shorn fields dreamily. She and Diana Barry had been picking apples in the Green Gables orchard, but were now resting from their labors in a sunny corner, where airy fleets of thistledown drifted by on the wings of a wind that was still summer-sweet with the incense of ferns in the Haunted Wood. But everything in the landscape around them spoke of autumn. The sea was roaring hollowly in the distance, the fields were bare and sere, scarfed with golden rod, the brook valley below Green Gables overflowed with asters of ethereal purple, and the Lake of Shining Waters was blue—blue—blue; not the changeful blue of spring, nor the pale azure of summer, but a clear, steadfast, serene blue, as if the water were past all moods and tenses of emotion and had settled down to a tranquility unbroken by fickle dreams. "It has been a nice summer," said Diana, twisting the new ring on her left hand with a smile. "And Miss Lavendar's wedding seemed to come as a sort of crown to it. I suppose Mr. and Mrs. Irving are on the Pacific coast now ...
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Anne of Windy Poplars takes place over the three years between Anne's graduation from Redmond College and her marriage to Gilbert Blythe. While Gilbert is in medical school, Anne takes a job as the principal of Summerside High School, where she also teaches. She lives in a large house called Windy Poplars with two elderly widows, Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty, along with their housekeeper, Rebecca Dew, and their cat, Dusty Miller. During her time in Summerside, Anne must learn to manage many of Summerside's inhabitants, including the clannish and resentful Pringle family, her bitter colleague Katherine Brooke, and others ...
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The book begins with Anne and Gilbert's wedding, which takes place in the Green Gables orchard. After the wedding, they move to their first home together, which Anne calls their "house of dreams". Gilbert finds them a small house on the seashore at Four Winds Point, an area near the village of Glen St. Mary, where he is to take over his uncle's medical practice. In Four Winds, Anne and Gilbert meet many interesting people, such as Captain Jim, a former sailor who is now the keeper of the lighthouse, and Miss Cornelia Bryant, an unmarried woman in her 40s who lives alone in an emerald-green house and deems the Blythes part of "the race that knows Joseph". Anne also meets her new neighbor, Leslie Moore, who lost her beloved brother and her father, and then was forced by her mother to marry the mean-spirited and unscrupulous Dick Moore at age 16. She felt free for a year or so after Dick disappeared on a sea voyage, but Captain Jim happened upon him ...
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Bev's childhood / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2017.
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... narrated from the view of a boy named Bev King looking back on his childhood. Bev and his brother Felix are sent to live with their Aunt Janet and Uncle Alec on Prince Edward Island while their father travels for business. There they become acquainted with their cousins Felicity, Dan, Cecily, and Sara Stanley aka the Story Girl, as well as befriending Sara Ray a neighbor and Peter the hired boy. It covers many domestic adventures and dramas through school, church, neighbors ... narrated from the view of a boy named Bev King looking back on his childhood. Bev and his brother Felix are sent to live with their Aunt Janet and Uncle Alec on Prince Edward Island while their father travels for business. There they become acquainted with their cousins Felicity, Dan, Cecily, and Sara Stanley aka the Story Girl, as well as befriending Sara Ray a neighbor and Peter the hired boy. It covers many domestic adventures and dramas through school, church, neighbors - a classic.
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"The Hurrying of Ludovic" "Old Lady Lloyd" "Each in His Own Tongue" "Little Joscelyn" "The Winning of Lucinda" "Old Man Shaw's Girl" "Aunt Olivia's Beau" "Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's" "Pa Sloane's Purchase" "The Courting of Prissy Strong" "The Miracle at Carmody" "The End of a Quarrel"
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Chronicles of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Anne of Green Gables series libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
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Ania wiedzie szczęśliwe życie u boku Gilberta, zajmuje się domem i wychowaniem szóstki dzieci. Tymczasem na plebanię niedaleko domu Blythe'ów wprowadza się owdowiały pastor John Meredith z gosposią i z czwórką dzieci: Jerzym, Karlem, Faith i Uną. Swoim zachowaniem wzbudzają one zgorszenie u większości mieszkańców Glen St Mary, którzy uważają je za zbyt nieokrzesane, ale bardzo szybko zaskarbiają sobie przyjaźń i sympatię rodziny Blythe'ów. Dzieci pastora ratują osieroconą dziewczynkę Mary Vance i znajdują jej dom. Pastor zakochuje się w pannie Rosemary West, która wydaje się również darzyć go uczuciem.

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Emily Climbs / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2018.
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Emily Byrd Starr longs to attend Queen's Academy to earn her teaching license, but her tradition-bound relatives at New Moon refuse. She is instead offered the chance to go to Shrewsbury High School with her friends, on two conditions. The first is that she board with her disliked Aunt Ruth, but it is the second that causes Emily difficulties. Emily must not write a word during her high-school education ...
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Emily of New Moon / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2017.
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Emily Starr is sent to live at New Moon Farm on Prince Edward Island with her aunts Elizabeth and Laura Murray and her Cousin Jimmy. She makes friends with Ilse Burnley, Teddy Kent, and Perry Miller, the hired boy, who Aunt Elizabeth looks down upon because he was born in 'Stovepipe Town', a poorer district. Each of the children has a special gift. Emily was born to be a writer, Teddy is a gifted artist, Ilse is a talented elocutionist, and Perry has the makings of a great politician. They also each have a few problems with their families. Emily has a hard time getting along with Aunt Elizabeth, who does not understand her need to write. Ilse's father, Dr. Burnley, ignores Ilse most of the time because of a dreadful secret concerning Ilse's mother ...
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Emily’s Quest / L. M. Montgomery. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2018.
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Life at New Moon had changed. She must adjust herself to it. A certain loneliness must be reckoned with. Ilse Burnley, the madcap pal of seven faithful years, had gone to the School of Literature and Expression in Montreal. The two girls parted with the tears and vows of girlhood. Never to meet on quite the same ground again. For, disguise the fact as we will, when friends, even the closest—perhaps the more because of that very closeness—meet again after a separation there is always a chill, lesser or greater, of change. Neither finds the other quite the same. This is natural and inevitable. Human nature is ever growing or retrogressing—never stationary. But still, with all our philosophy, who of us can repress a little feeling of bewildered disappointment when we realise that our friend is not and never can be just the same as before—even though the change may be by way of improvement? Emily, with the strange intuition which supplied the place of experience, felt this as Ilse did not, and felt that in a sense she was bidding good-bye for ever to the Ilse of New Moon days and Shrewsbury years.
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Aunt Cynthia's Persian Cat The Materializing of Cecil Her Father's Daughter Jane's Baby The Dream-Child The Brother Who Failed The Return of Hester The Little Brown Book of Miss Emily Sara's Way The Son of his Mother The Education of Betty In Her Selfless Mood The Conscience Case of David Bell Only a Common Fellow Tannis of the Flats
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