Shelley Mary Wollstonecraft
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Oddział dla Dzieci
Filia nr 2
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
Shelley Mary Wollstonecraft
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Twain Mark
Konopnicka Maria
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Montgomery Lucy Maud
London Jack
Conrad Joseph
Dönges Günter
Mahr Kurt
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Mickiewicz Adam
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Kühnemann Andreas
King Stephen
Калинина Дарья
Andersen Hans Christian
Francis H.G
Austen Jane
May Karol
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Stevenson Robert Louis
Wells H. G
Voltz William
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Zimnicka Iwona
Balzac Honoré de
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Mark William
Prus Bolesław
Słowacki Juliusz
Hoffmann Horst
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Alcott Louisa May
Kneifel Hans
Brand Max
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Verne Juliusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Кир Булычев
Popławska Anna
Александрова Наталья
Wilde Oscar
Woolf Virginia
Kayser-Darius Nina
McMason Fred
Haensel Hubert
Колычев Владимир
Praca zbiorowa
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Головачёв Василий
Zarawska Patrycja
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Collins Wilkie
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Żeleński-Boy Tadeusz
Marciniakówna Anna
Scott Walter
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Leblanc Maurice
Fischer Marie Louise
Grey Zane
Cooper James Fenimore
Suchanek Andreas
Orwell George
Sandemo Margit
Christie Agata (1890-1976)
Anton Uwe
Dumas Alexandre
Thurner Michael Marcus
Zola Émile
Brendel Walter
Simenon Georges
Galdós Benito Pérez
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura angielska
Literatura młodzieżowa angielska
33 wyniki Filtruj
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(Zaczarowane Strony : biblioteka światowej literatury dla dzieci i młodzieży)
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Oddział dla Dzieci
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. III (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
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(Science Fiction)
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
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Wypożyczalnia dla Dorosłych
Egzemplarze są obecnie niedostępne
Filia nr 2
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.111-3 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
In thirteenth-century Florence, Italy, the pro-Papacy Guelphs have re-established supremacy and expelled the pro-imperial Ghibellines following the death of the Ghibelline Manfred, King of Sicily. The triumphant Guelphs await their champion, the French Charles d'Anjou, while their opponents await the arrival of young Corradino from Germany with troops sufficient to restore their power. During the victory festival that follows the Ghibelline return, Monna Gegia de' Becari, a Guelph partisan, and her husband Cincolo, a Ghibelline, receive a visit from an androgynous Ghibelline named Ricciardo de' Rossini, who declares his intention to leave Florence at dusk on a secret mission ... (courtesy of
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One of Shelley's stories that show her love for Italy, Italian history, bloodlines and politics. The main plot concentrates on a family rivalry in Siena. The Mancinis and the Tolomeis are fierce opponents, but all of a sudden one member of the one family falls in love with a member of the other ...
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A la edad de 16 años, la joven Mary Shelley se fugó con su amante, el poeta Percy Shelley, en un viaje por Europa, lo que supuso un escándalo para la sociedad inglesa de la época. Su travesía los llevó, entre otros lugares, hasta Suiza, donde pudieron deleitarse con el formidable paisaje alpino, escribir, leer y vivir ajenos a las rígidas normas de la sociedad británica. Crónica de un viaje de seis semanas recopila los diarios y las cartas que Mary escribió y envió durante su travesía por tierras europeas. Además de una lectura apasionante para adentrarse en los textos más personales de su autora, los lectores podrán disfrutar de un magnífico retrato de la Europa convulsa de principios del XIX bajo los efectos de la Revolución Francesa y las guerras napoleónicas.
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"Euphrasia" is set in England at Christmastime in 1836. Four friends are traveling from Brighton to Lewes by horse and carriage. There is a snowstorm of historical proportion, and the party is stalled just before nightfall at the halfway point of their journey. Stuck in snowdrifts, a worrisome father frets for his daughter who, having been insistent on taking the trip, remains in the carriage while the horsemen and the father assess the situation. It is decided that the father and some of the riders will go ahead on horseback and return for the daughter with a more suitable conveyance ... (courtesy of
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Falkner, published in 1837, is the last novel by Mary Shelley;and as we see from her letter she had been passing through a period of ill-health and depression while writing it, this may account for less spontaneity in the style, which is decidedly more stilted ; but, here again, we feel that we are admitted to some of the circle which Mary had encountered in the stirring times of her life, and there is undoubted imagination with some fine descriptive passages. The opening chapter introduces a little deserted child in a picturesque Cornish village. Her parents had died there in apartments, one after the other, the husband having married a governess against the wishes of his relations ; consequently, the wife was first neglected on her husband's death ; and on her own sudden death, a few months later, the child was simply left to the care of the poor people of the village a dreamy, poetic little thing, whose one pleasure was to stroll in the twilight to the village churchyard and be with her mamma. Here she was found by Falkner, the principal character of the romance, who had selected this very spot to end a ruined existence ; in which attempt he was frustrated by the child jogging his arm to move him from her mother's grave. His life being thus saved by the child's instrumentality, he naturally became interested in her. He is allowed to look through the few remaining papers of the parents. Among these he finds an unfinished letter of the wife, evidently addressed to a lady he had known, and also indications who the parents were. He was much moved, and offered to relieve the poor people of the child and to restore her to her relations.
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Told as a story within a story, "Ferdinando Eboli" is set in Naples, Italy. The unnamed narrator describes himself as living in a peaceful era void of all thrilling wars such as the Napoleonic wars. The narrator has a much romanticized outlook on war and fears that the people of his era will soon forget the iconic names of Europe's great conquerors. Of these many tales, the narrator chooses to recite the story of "Ferdinando Eboli" which occurred during Murat's reign. (courtesy of
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley that tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesque but sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition of the novel was published anonymously in London in 1818, when she was 20. Her name first appeared on the second edition, published in France in 1823. Shelley traveled through Europe in 1814, journeying along the River Rhine in Germany with a stop in Gernsheim which is just 17 km (10 mi) away from Frankenstein Castle, where, two centuries before, an alchemist was engaged in experiments. Later, she traveled in the region of Geneva (Switzerland)—where much of the story takes place—and the topic of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her lover and future husband, Percy Shelley. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for days, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made; her dream later evolved into the novel's story.
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Frankenstein oder Frankenstein oder Der moderne Prometheus (Original: Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus) ist ein Roman von Mary Shelley, der 1818 erstmals anonym veröffentlicht wurde. Er erzählt die Geschichte des jungen Schweizers Viktor Frankenstein, der an der damals berühmten Universität Ingolstadt einen künstlichen Menschen erschafft. Die Handlung wird durch eine Mischung aus Briefroman und klassischer Ich-Erzählsituation vermittelt. Viktor Frankenstein erzählt dem Leiter einer Forschungsexpedition, zugleich Eigner des Schiffes, das ihn in der Arktis rettet, seine Geschichte. Der Roman wird so zu einem Lehrstück, gibt Frankenstein doch deutlich zu verstehen, dass seine Erzählung auch eine Warnung an den Zuhörer und damit auch die Leser sein soll: Er warnt vor einer entgrenzten menschlichen Vernunft, die sich selbst zu Gott macht und sich anmaßt, lebendige Materie zu schaffen. Die Figur des Viktor Frankenstein ähnelt damit sowohl dem 'literarischen' Faust als auch dem Prometheus aus der griechischen Mythologie. (aus
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St. Petersburgh, Dec. 11th, 17— TO Mrs. Saville, England You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday, and my first task is to assure my dear sister of my welfare and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking. I am already far north of London, and as I walk in the streets of Petersburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves and fills me with delight. Do you understand this feeling? This breeze, which has travelled from the regions towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes. Inspirited by this wind of promise, my daydreams become more fervent and vivid. I try in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation; it ever presents itself to my imagination as the region of beauty and delight. There, Margaret, the sun is forever visible, its broad disk just skirting the horizon and diffusing a perpetual splendour. There—for with your leave, my sister, I will put some trust in preceding navigators—there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on the habitable globe.
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In seinem Laboratorium gelingt es dem jungen, von seinen naturwissenschaftlichen Forschungen besessenen Arzt Victor Frankenstein, einen künstlichen Menschen zu konstruieren und zum Leben zu erwecken. Doch dessen mißgestaltes Äußeres erweckt überall Schrecken und Abscheu. Das Wesen leidet, sucht menschliche Nähe und Verständnis, aber in den Augen der anderen bleibt es ein Monster. Es fordert Unterstützung von seinem Schöpfer - vergeblich. In die Einsamkeit gestoßen und zernagt von Schmerzen, macht er sich schließlich auf, um Rache zu nehmen ...
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley about eccentric scientist Victor Frankenstein, who creates a grotesque creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Frankenstein is infused with elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement and is also considered to be one of the earliest examples of science fiction. Frankenstein, a Swiss student at the university of Ingolstadt, is led by a peculiar enthusiasm to study the structure of the human frame, and to attempt to follow to its recondite sources the stream of animated being.' In examining the causes of life, he informs us, antithetically, that he had first recourse to death. -- He became acquainted with anatomy; but that was not all; he traced through vaults and charnel houses the decay and corruption of the human body, and whilst engaged in this agreeable pursuit, examining and analyzing the minutiae of mortality, and the phenomena of the change from life to death and from death to life, a sudden light broke in upon him ...
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"Cuanto más los veía, mayores deseos tenía de ganarme su simpatía y protección, de que estas amables criaturas me conocieran y quisiesen; que sus dulces miradas se detuvieran en mí con afecto se había convertido en mi aspiración máxima". La soberbia del hombre emulando a Dios, dando vida a una criatura nauseabunda. La desdicha de este ser, sabedor de su condición abominable y su afán por encontrar el amor, la compresión y la felicidad, hace que este relato nos sumerja en las profundidades de la verdadera naturaleza del ser humano, donde existe una delgada línea que diferencia al hombre de la bestia. 'Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo' está considerada como la primera obra de ciencia ficción de la época moderna. En ella confluyen de manera magistral diferentes mitos fantásticos de la antigüedad. Su ambientación romántica y elementos sobrenaturales hacen que se la considere una obra maestra de la novela gótica.
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This illustrated edition of "Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus" includes: Illustrations of objects and places mentioned in the novel. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an 1818 novel written by English author Mary Shelley. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition was published anonymously in London on 1 January 1818, when she was 20.
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History A Of Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland; with Letters Descriptive of a Sail Round the Lake of Geneva and of the Glaciers of Chamouni is a travel narrative, that Mary Shelley has published in 1817. It describes two journeys that Shelley undertook with Percy Bysshe Shelley and her stepsister Claire. The first journey led them all across Europe in 1814, the second one to the Lake Geneva two years later.
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Mary in her novel of Lodore, published in 1835, gave a version of the differences between Harriet and Shelley. Though Lord Lodore is more an impersonation of Mary's idea of Lord Byron than of Shelley, Cornelia Santerre, the heroine, may be partly drawn from Harriet, while Lady Santerre, her match-making mother, is taken from Eliza Westbrook. Lady Santerre, when her daughter is married, still keeps her under her influence. She is described as clever, though uneducated, with all the petty manoeuvring which frequently accompanies this condition. When differences arise between Lodore and his wife the mother, instead of counselling conciliation, advises her daughter to reject her husband's advances. Under these circumstances estrangements lead to hatred, and Cornelia declares she will never quit her mother, and desires her husband to leave her in peace with her child. This Lodore will not consent to, but takes the child with him to America. The mother-in-law speaks of desertion and cruelty, and instigates law proceedings. By these proceedings all further hope is lost.
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It is customary to regard Mary Shelleys claims to literary distinction as so entirely rooted and grounded in her husbands as to constitute a merely parasitic growth upon his fame. It may be unreservedly admitted that her association with Shelley, and her care of his writings and memory after his death, are the strongest of her titles to remembrance. It is further undeniable that the most original of her works is also that which betrays the strongest traces of his influence. Frankenstein was written when her brain, magnetized by his companionship, was capable of an effort never to be repeated. But if the frame of mind which engendered and sustained the work was created by Shelley, the conception was not his, and the diction is dissimilar to his. Both derive from Godwin, but neither is Godwins. The same observation, except for an occasional phrase caught from Shelley, applies to all her subsequent work. The frequent exaltation of spirit, the ideality and romance, may well have been Shelleysthe general style of execution neither repeats nor resembles him.
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The Dream is a short story by Mary Shelley and deals with a prophetic dream. Constance is in love with Gaspar, who fought on the other side of the French civil war. Since this side has killed her father and two brothers, she refuses to marry him. To find a solution for her troubles she decides to sleep on "St. Catherine's Couch", a narrow ledge of earth on a cliff high above the Loire. Legend has it that a saint will guide the people who sleep up there through their dreams. But will Constance's dream be beneficial or detrimental?
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Ellen, the female protagonist, tells the story of her life. When her parents die and leave her 50.000 pound, she becomes ward of her uncle. After a secret betrothal with one of his sons, she founds out, that she indeed loves the other one ...
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