Mulford Prentice
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Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
Mulford Prentice
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Twain Mark
Konopnicka Maria
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Montgomery Lucy Maud
London Jack
Conrad Joseph
Dönges Günter
Mahr Kurt
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Mickiewicz Adam
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Kühnemann Andreas
King Stephen
Калинина Дарья
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Francis H.G
Austen Jane
May Karol
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Barner G.F
Autores Varios
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Ellmer Arndt
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
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Voltz William
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
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Bazán Emilia Pardo
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Balzac Honoré de
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Mark William
Prus Bolesław
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Hoffmann Horst
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Brand Max
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Verne Juliusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Кир Булычев
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Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
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Scott Walter
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Christie Agata (1890-1976)
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Galdós Benito Pérez
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
14 wyników Filtruj
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Prentice Mulford's collection of autobiographical works, including 'Life by Land and Sea' and 'The Californian's Return,' provide readers with a unique insight into the life and experiences of the author in the 19th century. Mulford's literary style is characterized by vivid storytelling and a sincere, introspective tone that invites readers to delve into his personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. These autobiographical works offer a glimpse into Mulford's adventures, observations, and reflections, set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing America during the Gold Rush era. Mulford's keen eye for detail and philosophical musings make these works not only entertaining but thought-provoking as well. As a prominent figure in the New Thought movement, Mulford's writings explore themes of positive thinking, self-improvement, and the power of the mind. Readers interested in history, personal development, and spiritual enlightenment will find Mulford's autobiographical works to be both enlightening and inspiring, offering a unique perspective on life in the 19th century and beyond.
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„Im dalej człowiek posuwa się w tak zwanym ulepszaniu ras i gatunków oraz wytwarzaniu nowych, tym większe przeszkody stawia na jego drodze Natura. Choroby i epidemie, nieznane w początkowym okresie jego bytowania na Ziemi, szerzą się pośród zwierząt domowych i gospodarskich, a pola uprawne są pustoszone przez chmary żarłocznych owadów. Hodowla rasowych koni staje się coraz trudniejsza i wymaga więcej zabiegów. Uprawiane ludzkimi rękami rośliny degenerują się, tracą soki życiowe i wtedy człowiek szuka pierwotnego naturalnego typu rośliny, ptaka lub zwierzęcia aby sztucznie zapłodnić gatunki wyhodowane przez siebie lub wyjałowione”. Te słowa mogłyby paść podczas jednej z setek akcji urządzanych obecnie przez ekologów. Napisał je jednak ponad sto pięćdziesiąt lat temu Prentice Mulford – nieco zapomniany genialny amerykański samouk. Mulford odegrał kluczową rolę w rozwoju popularnego prądu filozoficznego o nazwie New Thought. Jego zbiór esejów „Myśli to rzeczy” (z którego wybraliśmy 27 esejów) służył jako przewodnik po tym nowym „systemie wierzeń” i nadal cieszy się popularnością. Jego książki czytane były na całym świecie wszędzie tam, gdzie żywe były ideały bliskie amerykańskiej wierze wpływu człowieka na własny los.
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The Collected Works of Prentice Mulford is a groundbreaking collection of philosophical essays and self-help writings that transcend time and space. Mulford's work delves deep into themes of the power of thought, the law of attraction, and the importance of positive thinking. His prose is insightful, engaging, and filled with practical advice for self-improvement. Mulford's literary style is characterized by a conversational tone that makes complex ideas accessible to readers. In the context of 19th-century America, Mulford's writings were revolutionary and ahead of their time, influencing later New Thought and self-help movements. Prentice Mulford was a key figure in the New Thought movement and a pioneer in the self-help genre. His unique life experiences, including time spent as a gold prospector, journalist, and spiritual explorer, shaped his worldview and informed his writing. Mulford's deep understanding of human psychology and spirituality is reflected in his profound insights and timeless wisdom found in The Collected Works. I highly recommend The Collected Works of Prentice Mulford to readers who are interested in the power of positive thinking, self-improvement, and spiritual growth. Mulford's writings offer timeless wisdom and practical guidance for living a more fulfilling life, making this collection essential reading for anyone seeking personal development and enlightenment.
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In 'The God in You' by Prentice Mulford, the author delves into the power of the human mind and the presence of divinity within each individual. Mulford's writing style is both enlightening and inspirational, utilizing a mix of prose and practical advice to guide readers on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. The book, written in the 19th century, explores metaphysical concepts that were ahead of its time, making it a groundbreaking work in the New Thought movement. Prentice Mulford, a prominent figure in the New Thought movement, was known for his teachings on the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. His personal experiences and spiritual insights led him to write 'The God in You' as a means of empowering readers to tap into their inner divinity and manifest their desires. I highly recommend 'The God in You' to anyone seeking personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection. Mulford's timeless wisdom continues to resonate with readers today, making this book a valuable resource for those on a journey of self-improvement and spiritual awakening.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "The God in You (Unabridged)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The God in You is a collection of essays written by American "New Thought" pioneer Prentice Mulford. The goal of the book is to help the reader to discover how to get to know his inner forces and how to get in touch with the god and its' spirit using those forces and possibilities from within himself. Contents: POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE THOUGHT SOME PRACTICAL MENTAL RECIPES SELF-TEACHING; OR, THE ART OF LEARNING HOW TO LEARN LOVE THYSELF THE ART OF FORGETTING SPELLS; OR, THE LAW OF CHANGE REGENERATION; OR, BEING BORN AGAIN Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) was a noted literary humorist, comic lecturer, author of poems and essays, and a columnist. He was also instrumental in the founding of the popular philosophy, New Thought, along with other notable writers including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mulford's book, Thoughts are Things served as a guide to this new belief system and is still popular today. He also coined the term Law of Attraction.
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In 'The God In You & Thoughts Are Things,' Prentice Mulford explores the power of positive thinking and the connection between the human mind and the divine. Written in a conversational and accessible style, Mulford delves into the concept that our thoughts shape our reality and that we have the ability to tap into the universal energy to manifest our desires. This book, published in the late 19th century, is considered a pioneering work in the New Thought movement, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and the law of attraction. Mulford's use of anecdotes and practical advice makes his teachings both enlightening and applicable to readers seeking personal growth and spiritual development. Prentice Mulford was a leading figure in the New Thought movement, known for his visionary ideas on metaphysics and spirituality. His experiences as a spiritual explorer and writer led him to pen 'The God In You & Thoughts Are Things,' offering insights into the power of positive thinking and the potential within each individual to transform their lives. Mulford's unique perspective and innovative concepts continue to inspire readers seeking to unlock their inner potential and create a life filled with abundance and fulfillment. I highly recommend 'The God In You & Thoughts Are Things' to anyone interested in the power of the mind, spirituality, and personal development. Mulford's timeless wisdom and practical guidance make this book a valuable resource for individuals looking to harness the power of their thoughts and cultivate a more positive and fulfilling existence.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "The Prentice Mulford Premium Collection: "New Thought" Studies, Novels & Memoirs" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The "New Thought" Works: Thoughts Are Things The God In You Your Forces and How to Use Them Novel: Swamp Angel Autobiographical Writings: Autobiography: Prentice Mulford's Story: Life By Land and Sea Sketches: The Californian's Return: or, Twenty Years From Home French Without a Master Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) was a noted literary humorist, comic lecturer, author of poems and essays, and a columnist. He was also instrumental in the founding of the popular philosophy, New Thought, along with other notable writers including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mulford's book, Thoughts are Things served as a guide to this new belief system and is still popular today. He also coined the term Law of Attraction.
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In Prentice Mulford's novel, 'The Swamp Angel,' readers are taken on a journey through the murky waters of a deep, mystical swamp where supernatural forces collide with human desires. Mulford's writing style is vivid and descriptive, creating a sense of eerie beauty within the swamp's dark depths. The novel's gothic elements and themes of greed and redemption place it within the context of 19th-century American literature, where supernatural tales were popularized. Mulford's exploration of the conflict between good and evil adds a philosophical depth to the story, making it a compelling read for fans of dark fantasy. Prentice Mulford, a prominent New Thought writer and a contemporary of Mark Twain, was known for his spiritual and metaphysical teachings. 'The Swamp Angel' reflects Mulford's interest in exploring the unseen world and the power of the human mind. His unique perspective on the supernatural and the human experience influenced his literary works, making him an intriguing figure in American literature. I highly recommend 'The Swamp Angel' to readers who enjoy gothic fiction with a philosophical twist. Mulford's blend of supernatural elements and moral dilemmas creates a captivating narrative that will leave a lasting impression on those who venture into the swamp with his characters.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "The Swamp Angel (Unabridged)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Extract: "I had long entertained the idea of building for myself a house in the woods, and there living alone. Not that I was cynical, or disgusted with the world. I have no reason to be disgusted with the world. It has given me lots of amusement, sandwiched between headaches, periods of repentance, and sundry hours spent in the manufacture of good resolutions…" The Swamp Angel is the first novel and one of the early works of Prentice Mulford. The novel is written in first person and tells the story of a man who is determined to build a house in the woods and lives there alone. As the building goes on, he asks some deep philosophical and psychological questions and tries to give the answers. He finally ends up in failure and realizes man should not be alone. Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) was a noted literary humorist, comic lecturer, author of poems and essays, and a columnist. He was also instrumental in the founding of the popular philosophy, New Thought, along with other notable writers including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mulford's book, Thoughts are Things served as a guide to this new belief system and is still popular today. He also coined the term Law of Attraction.
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Prentice Mulford helped found the New Thought movement. The book "Thoughts are Things" contains thirteen essays selected from The White Cross Library. Contents: Chapter One: The Material Mind V. The Spiritual Mind Chapter Two: Who Are Our Relations? Chapter Three: Thought Currents Chapter Four: One Way To Cultivate Courage Chapter Five: Look Forward! Chapter Six: God In The Trees; Or, The Infinite Mind In Nature Chapter Seven: Some Laws Of Health And Beauty Chapter Eight: Museum And Menagerie Horrors Chapter Nine: The God In Yourself Chapter Ten: The Healing And Renewing Force Of Spring Chapter Eleven: Immortality In The Flesh Chapter Twelve: The Attraction Of Aspiration Chapter Thirteen: The Accession Of New Thought
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Prentice Mulford's thought-provoking book 'Thoughts are Things' explores the concept of the power of thoughts and how they shape our reality. Written in a conversational and accessible style, Mulford delves into the idea that our thoughts have a tangible impact on our lives, and that by changing our thoughts, we can manifest positive change. Drawing on themes of New Thought philosophy, Mulford emphasizes the importance of positivity, visualization, and self-belief. This book serves as a practical guide for those seeking to harness the power of their minds to create the life they desire. 'Thoughts are Things' is a timeless piece of literature that continues to inspire readers to this day with its profound insights and empowering message. Prentice Mulford's own journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening led him to write this groundbreaking book, drawing on his personal experiences and observations. Known for his influential writings in the New Thought movement, Mulford's work has left a lasting impact on those seeking personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. I highly recommend 'Thoughts are Things' to anyone interested in the power of positive thinking and the ability to manifest their desires through the power of their thoughts.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "Thoughts Are Things & The God In You - Connect With The Force Within Yourself" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. "The God in You" is a collection of essays written by American "New Thought" pioneer Prentice Mulford. The goal of the book is to help the reader to discover how to get to know his inner forces and how to get in touch with the god and its' spirit using those forces and possibilities from within himself. "Thoughts are Things" serves as a guide to this new belief system. Contents: The God in You POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE THOUGHT SOME PRACTICAL MENTAL RECIPES SELF-TEACHING; OR, THE ART OF LEARNING HOW TO LEARN LOVE THYSELF THE ART OF FORGETTING SPELLS; OR, THE LAW OF CHANGE REGENERATION; OR, BEING BORN AGAIN Thoughts are Things THE MATERIAL MIND V. THE SPIRITUAL MIND WHO ARE OUR RELATIONS? THOUGHT CURRENTS ONE WAY TO CULTIVATE COURAGE LOOK FORWARD! GOD IN THE TREES; OR, THE INFINITE MIND IN NATURE SOME LAWS OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE HORRORS THE GOD IN YOURSELF THE HEALING AND RENEWING FORCE OF SPRING IMMORTALITY IN THE FLESH THE ATTRACTION OF ASPIRATION THE ACCESSION OF NEW THOUGHT Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) was a noted literary humorist, comic lecturer, author of poems and essays, and a columnist. He was also instrumental in the founding of the popular philosophy, New Thought, along with other notable writers including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mulford coined the term Law of Attraction.
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Prentice Mulford's "Your Forces and How to Use Them (Complete Six Volume Edition)" is a comprehensive guide exploring the power of the mind and its ability to shape our reality. Written in a philosophical and metaphysical style, Mulford delves into the concept of personal empowerment, positive thinking, and the laws of attraction. Drawing inspiration from New Thought philosophy, Mulford's work is a significant contribution to the self-help genre and a timeless exploration of the mind-body connection. The book's emphasis on mental discipline and the influence of thoughts on one's life makes it a must-read for those seeking personal growth and self-improvement. Mulford's clear and concise writing style makes complex ideas accessible to readers of all backgrounds. His profound insight into the human psyche and the mysteries of the universe offers a unique perspective on harnessing inner forces for personal success. I highly recommend "Your Forces and How to Use Them" to anyone interested in unlocking their full potential and transforming their life through the power of the mind.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "Your Forces and How to Use Them (Six Volumes - Complete Edition)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Extract: "A principal means for holding and increasing both physical and mental strength lies in the training of the mind and body to do but one thing at a time; in other words, to put all the thought necessary for the performance of any act in that act, and to put aside all other thought whatever save what belongs to that act." Your Forces and How to Use Them is the most profound piece of work by one of the New Thought pioneers, Prentice Mulford. It contains six volumes and each one can be considered a separate book itself. These volumes are composed of numerous essays which, even though some being on various topics, still have one common goal, achieving prosperity and success using forces that are in us and which we are not aware of. The book was written in Mulford's final years and it was not published until after his death. Contents: YOU TRAVEL WHEN YOU SLEEP WHERE YOU TRAVEL WHEN YOU SLEEP THE ART OF FORGETTING HOW THOUGHTS ARE BORN THE LAW OF SUCCESS HOW TO KEEP YOUR STRENGTH CONSIDER THE LILIES THE ART OF STUDY PROFIT AND LOSS IN ASSOCIATES THE SLAVERY OF FEAR WHAT ARE SPIRITUAL GIFTS? THE PROCESS OF RE EMBODIMENT RE-EMBODIMENT UNIVERSAL IN NATURE Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) was a noted literary humorist, comic lecturer, author of poems and essays, and a columnist. He was also instrumental in the founding of the popular philosophy, New Thought, along with other notable writers including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mulford's book, Thoughts are Things served as a guide to this new belief system and is still popular today. He also coined the term Law of Attraction.
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