King Richard
Źródło opisu
Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Literatura faktu, eseje, publicystyka
Wypożyczalnia dla Dorosłych
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
King Richard
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Twain Mark
Konopnicka Maria
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Montgomery Lucy Maud
London Jack
Conrad Joseph
Dönges Günter
Mahr Kurt
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Mickiewicz Adam
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Kühnemann Andreas
King Stephen
Калинина Дарья
Andersen Hans Christian
Francis H.G
Austen Jane
May Karol
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Stevenson Robert Louis
Wells H. G
Voltz William
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Zimnicka Iwona
Balzac Honoré de
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Mark William
Prus Bolesław
Słowacki Juliusz
Hoffmann Horst
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Alcott Louisa May
Kneifel Hans
Brand Max
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Verne Juliusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Кир Булычев
Popławska Anna
Александрова Наталья
Wilde Oscar
Woolf Virginia
Kayser-Darius Nina
McMason Fred
Haensel Hubert
Колычев Владимир
Praca zbiorowa
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Головачёв Василий
Zarawska Patrycja
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Collins Wilkie
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Żeleński-Boy Tadeusz
Marciniakówna Anna
Scott Walter
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Leblanc Maurice
Fischer Marie Louise
Grey Zane
Cooper James Fenimore
Suchanek Andreas
Orwell George
Sandemo Margit
Christie Agata (1890-1976)
Anton Uwe
Dumas Alexandre
Thurner Michael Marcus
Zola Émile
Brendel Walter
Simenon Georges
Galdós Benito Pérez
Rok wydania
2010 - 2019
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
303 Dywizjon Myśliwski Warszawski im. Tadeusza Kościuszki (Polskie Siły Zbrojne na Zachodzie)
II wojna światowa (1939-1945)
Lotnictwo wojskowe
Wojna lotnicza
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Anglia (Wielka Brytania)
2 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Wypożyczalnia dla Dorosłych
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 94(438).082 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Forma i typ
When nine friends set out from England in 1969 to travel the world in a double-decker bus called 'Hairy Pillock', little did they know that they would become honorary citizens of Texas, hold the keys to New York, release a record in Australia, perform for the Shah and Empress of Iran, and appear on countless television and radio shows around the world. Their epic three-year journey, which began as a bet with the landlord of their local pub, took them across perilous roads through Europe to Iran and Afghanistan, through the Khyber Pass to Pakistan and India, then to Australia and, finally, the United States and Canada. Initially planning on getting work as export salesmen, they soon had to supplement their meagre funds by performing the folk songs they sang in the pubs back home, after which they achieved minor stardom as The Philanderers throughout Australia and the US. This light-hearted account follows the group on their trip across deserts and mountains, as they undertook an incredible expedition that would be impossible today.
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