Bellamy Edward
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Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
28 wyników Filtruj
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Das Buch, das Edward Bellamy 1887 veröffentlichte, handelt von Julian West, einem jungen Amerikaner, der gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts während einer Behandlung mit animalischem Magnetismus, einer Art Hypnose, in einen tiefen Schlaf fällt, der über hundert Jahre lang anhält. Als er aufwacht, findet er sich zwar noch an derselben Stelle, aber die Welt um ihn herum hat sich verändert. (aus
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Dr. Heidenhoff's Process concerns a doctor who develops a mechanical method of eradicating painful memories from people's brains so that they can feel good about life again. The protagonist persuades his lover to try the process after she has been seduced by a rival. She is transformed until the protagonist awakes and realizes that he has dreamt of the doctor and his process and that his lover has committed suicide.
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Edward Bellamy is an American writer who wrote the novel Dr. Heidenhoff’s Process. This story is about a doctor who seemingly did good deeds. He wanted to eliminate painful memories from the human brain and replace them with good ones. But what consequences does this entail?
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Edward Bellamy's Sci-Fi Boxed Set includes three classic science fiction novels that showcase Bellamy's visionary ideas and progressive thinking. The set includes 'Looking Backward: 2000-1887,' a utopian novel that imagines a future society based on equality and social justice. Bellamy's writing style is characterized by detailed descriptions of futuristic technology and societal structures, creating a thought-provoking narrative that challenges readers to reflect on the possibilities of a better world. These novels are essential reading for anyone interested in the development of utopian literature and the exploration of alternative societies in fiction. Bellamy's works have had a lasting impact on the genre, inspiring generations of writers to imagine new ways of living and organizing society. His dedication to social reform and his belief in the power of literature to inspire change shine through in his storytelling, making this boxed set a must-read for fans of science fiction and utopian literature.
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This edition contains greatest works from one of pioneers of the science fiction genre, Edward Bellamy, best known for his utopian ideas of the future. Novels: Looking Backward: 2000–1887 Equality Dr. Heidenhoff's Process Miss Ludington's Sister The Duke of Stockbridge Short Stories: The Blindman's World An Echo of Antietam The Old Folks' Party The Cold Snap Two Days' Solitary Imprisonment A Summer Evening's Dream Potts's Painless Cure A Love Story Reversed Deserted Hooking Watermelons A Positive Romance Lost With The Eyes Shut At Pinney's Ranch To Whom This May Come
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Eines der einflussreichsten Bücher des 19. Jahrhunderts ist heute - völlig zu Unrecht - beinahe vergessen: Edward Bellamys "Looking Backward, Or: Life in the Year 2000". | Dutzende spätere Autoren ließen sich von dem Werk inspirieren und schrieben Fortsetzungsgeschichten und Rezensionen. Auch die heute bekanntesten Werke der Gattung utopischer Romane, Orwells 1984 und Huxleys Brave New World sind von Looking Backward deutlich beeinflusst. Genau wie der nur sieben Jahre später erschienene Science-Fiction Roman "Die Zeitmaschine" von H. G. Wells. | Hier wie dort begibt sich der Protagonist auf Zeitreise - bei Bellamy allerdings nicht durch eine Maschine, sondern durch einen über hundert Jahre währenden Schlaf, in den er versehentlich während einer Hypnose-Sitzung versetzt wird. © Redaktion eClassica, 2017 | Für die eBook-Ausgabe völlig neu überarbeitet und in aktualisierter Rechtschreibung
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Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, Julian West, ein junger Amerikaner wird mit animalischem Magnetismus hypnoseähnlich behandelt und verfällt in einen tiefen Schlaf. Erst über hundert Jahre später wacht er am selben Ort wieder auf. Doch um ihn herum hat sich die Welt verändert. Zum unbestrittenen Kanon der Weltliteratur gehört dieser Science-Fiction-Roman eines Edward Bellamys mit anhaltendem und vielfältigem Einfluss auf den lesenden Menschen und die Literaturgeschichte – bis heute. Spannend und unterhaltend, vielschichtig und tiefgründig, informativ und faszinierend sind die E-Books großer Schriftsteller, Philosophen und Autoren der einzigartigen Reihe "Weltliteratur erleben!".
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Dieses eBook: "Ein Rückblick aus dem Jahre 2000 auf 1887" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Das Buch handelt von Julian West, einem jungen Amerikaner, der gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts während einer Behandlung mit animalischem Magnetismus, einer Art Hypnose, in einen tiefen Schlaf fällt, der über hundert Jahre lang anhält. Als er aufwacht, findet er sich zwar noch an derselben Stelle, aber die Welt um ihn herum hat sich verändert. Der Erfolg dieses Romans ist vermutlich der praktischen Behandlung der ökonomischen Probleme Amerikas des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts zuzuschreiben. Natürlich verfehlte die eingeflochtene Romanze, in der die Zukunftsbeschreibung eingebettet ist, nicht den Zeitgeschmack. Das Werk führte zu heftigen und kontroversen Diskussionen. Hunderte Bellamy-Gesellschaften wurden gegründet. Jedoch verblasste sein Ruhm genau so schnell, wie er begründet wurde. Seine 1897 veröffentlichte Fortsetzung Equality fand kaum noch Widerhall oder gar Befürworter. Kurz nach Erscheinen des Buches verstarb Bellamy an Tuberkulose. Edward Bellamy war ein amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Autor, der 1888 in Ein Rückblick aus dem Jahre 2000 auf das Jahr 1887 die Kreditkarte erfand. Er zählt zu den Pionieren des utopisch-amerikanischen Romans und gilt als literarischer Hauptvertreter des amerikanischen Reformsozialismus.
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Equality / Edward Bellamy. - [miejsce nieznane] : : Legimi, 2022.
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”Equality” is a utopian novel, and the sequel „Looking Backward: 2000-1887.” The main character from 1897 wakes up in 2000. Everything seems unusual to him. He learns that women are free to participate in the same auction as men. Gold coins become useless. Now vegetarians, and the thought of eating meat is perceived with disgust. How now to go back and whether to return at all?
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Edward Bellamy's novel 'Looking Backward' is a powerful utopian vision of a future society in which all citizens are equal and resources are shared equitably. Published in 1888, the book reflects the social and economic tensions of the Gilded Age in America, and offers a compelling critique of rampant capitalism. Bellamy's writing style is characterized by its imaginative speculation and intricate world-building, creating a vivid and thought-provoking narrative. 'Looking Backward' remains a seminal work in the genre of utopian literature, influencing later authors such as H.G. Wells and George Orwell. In 'Equality & Looking Backward', readers will find a captivating exploration of sociopolitical ideas and a hopeful vision for a more just and equitable society. The book is highly recommended for those interested in utopian fiction, social critique, and speculative literature.
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Edward Bellamy's classic look at the future has been translated into over twenty languages and is the most widely read novel of its time. A young Boston gentleman is mysteriously transported from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century -- from a world of war and want to one of peace and plenty. This brilliant vision became the blueprint of utopia that stimulated some of the greatest thinkers of our age.
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Looking Backward / Edward Bellamy. - [miejsce nieznane] : e-artnow : Legimi, 2018.
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Julian West, a young American, towards the end of the 19th century falls into a deep, hypnosis-induced sleep and wakes up 113 years later. He finds himself in the same location (Boston, Massachusetts), but in a totally changed world: It is the year 2000, and while he was sleeping, the United States has been transformed into a socialist utopia. The young man readily finds a guide, Doctor Leete, who shows him around and explains all the advances of this new age, including drastically reduced working hours for people performing menial jobs and almost instantaneous, Internet-like delivery of goods. The two start working on improving the future with the experiences from the past and the presence.
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'LOOKING BACKWARD (A Utopia) & LOOKING FURTHER BACKWARD (A Dystopia)' masterfully intertwines visionary glimpses of utopian ideals and dystopian realities, crafted by Edward Bellamy and Arthur Dudley Vinton. Showcasing a spectrum of literary styles and exploring societal structures, this anthology juxtaposes Bellamy's optimistic 19th-century ideologies with Vinton's darker, cautionary narratives. This diverse array ensures readers experience a dichotomy that stimulates both hope and foreboding about the direction of human societies, revealing the thin line between utopia and dystopia through its vivid storytelling and philosophical undertones. The contributing authors, Bellamy and Vinton, belong to a pivotal era marked by intense socio-political changes and burgeoning literary explorations into speculative futures. Their works reflect significant historical and cultural movements, serving as cornerstones in the science fiction genre. This collection not only echoes the transitioning beliefs of their times but also enhances our understanding of early speculative fiction's role in questioning and molding societal values. Venture into 'LOOKING BACKWARD (A Utopia) & LOOKING FURTHER BACKWARD (A Dystopia)' to navigate the fascinating interplay of utopian dreams and dystopian warnings. This anthology presents a rarity in literature by juxtaposing contrasting visions from the same epoch. Readers eager for a scholarly pursuit into the depths of speculative fiction will find this collection an invaluable resource, replete with critical insights and provocative discourse between the narratives of Bellamy and Vinton.
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"Looking Backward: 2000–1887: Julian West, a young American, towards the end of the 19th century falls into a deep, hypnosis-induced sleep and wakes up 113 years later. He finds himself in the same location (Boston, Massachusetts), but in a totally changed world: It is the year 2000, and while he was sleeping, the United States has been transformed into a socialist utopia. The young man readily finds a guide, Doctor Leete, who shows him around and explains all the advances of this new age, including drastically reduced working hours for people performing menial jobs and almost instantaneous, Internet-like delivery of goods. The two start working on improving the future with the experiences from the past and the presence. "Equality" is a sequel to Looking Backward and it expands on the theories first explored in it. The story takes up immediately after the events of Looking Backward with the main characters Julian West, Doctor Leete, and his daughter Edith. Julian continues to learn more about the world of the year 2000. His citizenship in the new America is recognized, and he goes to the bank to obtain his own account, or "credit card," from which he can draw his equal share of the national product. He learns that women are free to compete in many of the same trades as men. Handwriting has been virtually replaced by phonograph records, and jewelry is no longer used, since jewels are now worthless. Julian is amazed by a television-like device, called the electroscope. World communication is simplified, since everyone now speaks a universal language in addition to their native tongue. Not only are there motor cars, but also private air cars. Everyone is now vegetarian, and the thought of eating meat is looked upon with revulsion.
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Edward Bellamy's 'Looking Backward: Dystopian Classic' is a thought-provoking novel set in a utopian future society of the year 2000, where all social and economic problems have been resolved through a centralized system. The book serves as a critique of Gilded Age America and explores themes of societal inequality, industrialization, and the role of government in improving the lives of citizens. Bellamy's narrative style is engaging and the book's vivid descriptions immerse readers in the futuristic world he envisions. 'Looking Backward' is a key work in the utopian and dystopian literary tradition, influencing later works such as George Orwell's '1984' and Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World.'
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This is a book about a man of 1887, who turned out to be in 2000. It was actually written in 1887, and author Edward Bellamy predicts certain things, such as radio and credit cards. The main character discovered that all social class differences were erased, and there is a utopian society. He wonders how in the twenty-first century all kinds of music are available at the touch of a button. Credit card replaced the money. The author compares the 21st century and 19 in the novel.
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Julian West, un joven pudiente y acomodado, conforme con las normas y convenciones que corresponden a la ideología de su época, los años finales del siglo XIX, despierta un día, mediante un extraño viaje en el tiempo, en el Boston del año 2000. Ante él, se presentan un futuro y una ciudad, su ciudad natal, absultamente sorprendentes e impactantes; nada es como lo espera: la sociedad que encuentra es radicalmente opuesta a la que deja en su propio tiempo; una utopía socialista en la que todos los seres humanos gozan de derechos universales, en la que el trabajo y el esfuerzo se ven recompelsados en la medida que se merecen y en la que el estado del bienestar cobra, por entero, su real y más digno significado.
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By the time Miss Ida Ludington was twenty-five years old she recognized that she had done with happiness, and that the pale pleasures of memory were all which remained to her. She starts developing the idea of immortality and decides to go to New York and find a medium who can help her materialize the spirit of her youth.
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In Edward Bellamy's novel 'Miss Ludington's Sister', the story follows the protagonist, Mr. John Ray to a mysterious boarding house where he meets Miss Ludington and her enigmatic sister. The book is a captivating blend of supernatural elements and realistic depictions of human nature, making it a unique contribution to the genre. Bellamy's literary style is characterized by vivid descriptions and intricate character development, creating a rich and immersive reading experience. The novel, written in the late 19th century, reflects the societal norms and values of the time, offering readers a glimpse into a bygone era. Bellamy's exploration of themes such as love, loss, and redemption adds depth to the narrative, making it a thought-provoking read. Edward Bellamy, a prominent American author and social commentator, was known for his visionary works that critiqued the societal issues of his time. His fascination with utopian ideals and human nature likely influenced the creation of 'Miss Ludington's Sister'. I highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy thought-provoking literary works that combine elements of mystery, supernatural, and social commentary.
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There is a little mystery and a little romance in this novel. This is a study of a certain type of character, a type of character that is fixated on the past and not on the present. The plot is full of mysteries that the reader will want to solve. The author delves into the psychology of the protagonist.
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