Wells H.G
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Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
Wells H.G
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Twain Mark
Konopnicka Maria
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Montgomery Lucy Maud
London Jack
Conrad Joseph
Dönges Günter
Mahr Kurt
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Mickiewicz Adam
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Kühnemann Andreas
King Stephen
Калинина Дарья
Andersen Hans Christian
Francis H.G
Austen Jane
May Karol
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Stevenson Robert Louis
Wells H. G
Voltz William
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Zimnicka Iwona
Balzac Honoré de
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Mark William
Prus Bolesław
Słowacki Juliusz
Hoffmann Horst
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Alcott Louisa May
Kneifel Hans
Brand Max
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Verne Juliusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Кир Булычев
Popławska Anna
Александрова Наталья
Wilde Oscar
Kayser-Darius Nina
Woolf Virginia
McMason Fred
Haensel Hubert
Колычев Владимир
Praca zbiorowa
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Головачёв Василий
Zarawska Patrycja
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Collins Wilkie
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Żeleński-Boy Tadeusz
Marciniakówna Anna
Scott Walter
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Leblanc Maurice
Fischer Marie Louise
Grey Zane
Cooper James Fenimore
Orwell George
Sandemo Margit
Suchanek Andreas
Christie Agata (1890-1976)
Anton Uwe
Thurner Michael Marcus
Zola Émile
Dumas Alexandre
Brendel Walter
Simenon Georges
Galdós Benito Pérez
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2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
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Boo!!! Nie bój się posłuchać! Zbiór opowiadań pełnych grozy autorstwa najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli gatunku! W formie audio posłuchasz: 1. Aleksander Puszkin: “Trumniarz”; 2. Edgar Allan Poe: “Przedwczesny pogrzeb”; 3. Oscar Wilde: “Duch Canterville'ów”; 4. Edgar Allan Poe: “Zagłada domu Usherów”; 5. Bram Stoker: “Indianka”; 6. Fiodor Dostojewski: “Bobok”; 7. Jerome K. Jerome: “Nawiedzony młyn czyli Zrujnowany dom”; 8. Joseph Conrad: “Gospoda pod Dwiema Wiedźmami”; 9. Rudyard Kipling: „Moja własna, prawdziwa historia o duchach”; 10. H.G. Wells: “Niedoświadczony duch”. © 2023 Wydawnictwo Błysk (Audiobook): 9788367739580
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A Modern Utopia H. G. Wells - A Modern Utopia is a 1905 novel by H. G. Wells. Because of the complexity and sophistication of its narrative structure, A Modern Utopia has been called "not so much a modern as a postmodern utopia."[1] The novel is best known for its notion that a voluntary order of nobility known as the Samurai could effectively rule a "kinetic and not static" world state[2] so as to solve "the problem of combining progress with political stability"
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A Short History of the World illustrated H. G. Wells - A Short History of the World: with original illustrations Although best known for his scientific romances that paved the way for the modern science fiction genre, H. G. Wells (1866-1946) produced significant works on politics, society, science and history. Fascinated as much with the real world as his imaginary one, and displeased with the quality of history textbooks at the end of World War I, Wells took on the task of writing his own book of world history. In 1919 he published "The Outline of History," a 1,324-page book in three volumes, which he soon followed with the much shorter and highly popular work, "A Short History of the World." This condensed work is a monumental account of the physical, spiritual, and intellectual evolution of the human race, and chronicles key events of humanity's development. More importantly, Wells brings to light the continuity of history, and provokes thoughts on the future implications of our scientific and intellectual progress
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Bealby H. G. Wells - Bealby: A Holiday is a 1915 comic novel by H. G. Wells.Bealby is the story of the escapade of a thirteen-year-old boy when he rebels against his placement as a steward's-room boy in the great house of an estate named Shonts (his stepfather, Mr. Darling, is a gardener there) and fleesnot, however, before thoroughly upsetting a weekend party where the nouveau riche couple renting Shonts is entertaining the Lord Chancellor.
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Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the "father of science fiction", along with Jules Verne and the publisher Hugo Gernsback. He was most prominent as a forward-looking, even prophetic social critic who devoted his literary talents to the development of a progressive vision on a global scale. This comprehensive eBook presents all the significant works of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook - easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: Contents: The War of the Worlds The Island of Doctor Moreau The Invisible Man The Time Machine The Magic Shop
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H.G. Wells SciFi Klassiker als neu übersetzte und illustrierte Ausgabe! Ein junger Wissenschaftler entschlüsselt das Geheimnis, wie man unsichtbar wird. Zunächst ist er begeistert von seiner neuen Entdeckung, doch als er das Experiment an sich selbst durchführt, wird ihm klar, dass unsichtbar sein nicht heißt, unangreifbar zu sein. In seiner Verzweiflung sehnt er sich nach einer Möglichkeit, den Prozess umzukehren, und landet in einem kleinen Dorf, wo er meint, dass er in Frieden arbeiten kann. Als sein Geheimnis jedoch auffliegt, beginnt eine Abwärtsspirale des Schreckens und der Gewalt.
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"Als erster Mensch auf dem Mond"Der erfolglose Geschäftsmann Bedford wittert das ganz große Geld, als er das Genie Cavor kennenlernt.Dieser hat einen Stoff entdeckt, der die Gravitation aufhebt.Gemeinsam wollen sie mit einer von Cavor entwickelten Kapsel zum Mond fliegen.Als das Unglaubliche gelingt, müssen sie feststellen, dass der Erdtrabant bewohnt ist …Fantastischer, intelligenter Sci-Fi-Klassiker in neuer Übersetzung.
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Die Insel des Dr. Moreau / H.G. Wells. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2018.
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Der Privatier Edward Prendick erleidet 1887 im Südpazifik Schiffbruch. Als einziger überlebender Insasse eines kleinen Rettungsboots wird er von dem Arzt Montgomery vor dem Tod bewahrt. Dieser ist an Bord des Schoners Ipecacuanha mit einer merkwürdigen Ladung Tiere – darunter ein Lama und ein Puma – unterwegs zu einer einsamen Insel, wo er unter der Leitung des Biologen Moreau eine „biologische Station“ betreibt. Als die Insel erreicht ist, setzt der Kapitän des Schoners Prendick erneut auf dem Meer aus. Moreau erklärt zunächst, niemanden auf der Insel aufnehmen zu können, lässt sich aber schließlich doch dazu bewegen, Prendick zu retten und auf der Insel aufzunehmen. Allmählich geht Prendick auf, dass die Vorgänge in der Forschungsstation von einem Geheimnis umgeben sind; ihr Labor darf er nicht betreten, doch werden dort offenbar Tiere viviseziert. Eines Tages verstören ihn die markerweichenden Schreie des Pumas …
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God, the Invisible King H. G. Wells - This carefully crafted ebook: "God the Invisible King (The original unabridged edition)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. This book sets out as forcibly and exactly as possible the religious belief of the writer. That belief is not orthodox Christianity; it is not, indeed, Christianity at all; its core nevertheless is a profound belief in a personal and intimate God. There is nothing in its statements that need shock or offend anyone who is prepared for the expression of a faith different from and perhaps in several particulars opposed to his own. The writer will be found to be sympathetic with all sincere religious feeling. Nevertheless it is well to prepare the prospective reader for statements that may jar harshly against deeply rooted mental habits. It is well to warn him at the outset that the departure from accepted beliefs is here no vague scepticism, but a quite sharply defined objection to dogmas very widely revered. Table of contents: Preface Chapter I. The Cosmogony of Modern Religion Chapter II. Heresies; Or The Things That God Is Not Chapter III. The Likeness of God Chapter IV. The Religion of Atheists Chapter V. The Invisible King Chapter VI. Modern Ideas of Sin and Damnation Chapter VII. The Idea of a Church The Envoy Herbert George "H. G." Wells (1866 1946) was an English writer, now best known for his work in the science fiction genre. He was also a prolific writer in many other genres, including contemporary novels, history, politics and social commentary, even writing textbooks and rules for war games. Wells was now considered to be one of the world's most important political thinkers and during the 1920s and 30s he was in great demand as a contributor to newspapers and journals.
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In this collection you will find : Novels -The Time Machine -The War of the Worlds -The Invisible Man -The Island of Doctor Moreau -The Sleeper Awakes -A Modern Utopia -The Wheels of Chance -The First Men in the Moon -The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth -In the Days of the Comet -Ann Veronica Short Stories -Tales of Space and Time -The Red Room -The Diamond Maker -Æpyornis Island -The Chronic Argonauts -The Flowering of the Strange Orchid -The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes -The History of Mr Polly The World Set Free +++ H. G. Wells - Biography
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Als sich außerirdische Flugobjekte der Erde nähern, erfahren die Menschen, dass sie nicht allein im Universum sind. Die Fremden sind den Erdbewohnern technisch weit überlegen und machen schnell klar: sie kommen nicht in Frieden. Als die Invasion der Erde beginnt, entbrennt ein Krieg, bei dem nicht weniger auf dem Spiel steht als das Überleben der gesamten Menschheit… Der Krieg der Welten (Original: The War of the Worlds) ist eines der bekanntesten Werke von H. G. Wells. Der erstmals 1898 erschienene Roman über die Invasion der Erde durch Außerirdische ist nach beinahe 120 Jahren immer noch von kultureller und literarischer Bedeutung und beeinflusste zahlreiche fiktionale Werke - angefangen bei Orson Welles' berühmtem Hörspiel von 1938 bis hin zu modernen Interpretationen wie Jeff Waynes "The Musical Version of The War of the Worlds" sowie Roland Emmerichs Blockbuster "Independence Day" und dem Kinoerfolg "Krieg der Welten" von Steven Spielberg aus 2005. Wir freuen uns, diesen bahnbrechenden Roman nun in einer neuen Übersetzung vorlegen zu können, und hoffen, dass das Werk auch weitere Generationen inspirieren wird.
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Ludzie jak Bogowie / H.G. Wells. - [miejsce nieznane] : Potop : Legimi, 2021.
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Arcydzieło literatury science-fiction autora książek „Niewidzialny człowiek” i „Wyspa doktora Moreau”. Klasyka literatury angielskiej. Kim są Ziemianie? Zadufani w swym poczuci wyższości nawet nie przypuszczamy, że możemy być prowincją Wszechświata. Dano nam taką samą jak innym planetę, lecz nie potrafimy dorosnąć do wielu ideałów i norm. Pozostaliśmy neandertalczykami kosmosu. Inne cywilizacje przerosły nas pod każdym względem: dojrzalszy okazuje się nawet ich humanizm. Przede wszystkim gubi nas własna agresja i fałszywy etos walki. Z tych przekleństw biorą się ludzkie dewiacje, ułomności społeczeństw, państw i cywilizacji - i o tym właśnie opowiada napisana w 1923 r. książka H.G. Wellsa. © 2021 POTOP (Audiobook) ISBN: 9788396091482Tytuł oryginalny: Men like gods
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Antologia klasycznych opowiadań o duchach autorstwa najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli gatunku! Po raz pierwszy w formie audio posłuchasz:1. Edgar Allan Poe: “Przedwczesny pogrzeb” – org.”The Premature Burial”;2. Oscar Wilde: “Duch Canterville'ów” – org. “The Canterville Ghost”;3. Bram Stoker: “Indianka” – org. “The Squaw”;4. Jerome K. Jerome: “Nawiedzony młyn czyli Zrujnowany dom” – org. „The Haunted Mill”;5. Rudyard Kipling: „Moja własna, prawdziwa historia o duchach” – org.”My Own True Ghost Story”;6. H.G. Wells: “Niedoświadczony duch” – org.”The Inexperienced Ghost”. O autorach:Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) — klasyk literatury amerykańskiej, poeta, nowelista i eseista, autor wierszy "Kruk" i "Annabel Lee", opowiadań "Zagłada domu Usherów", "Zabójstwo przy rue Morgue", "Skradziony list", "Studnia i wahadło". Prezentowany tu "Przedwczesny pogrzeb" był po raz pierwszy drukowany w prasie w r. 1844. Oscar Wilde (1856-1900) — klasyk literatury angielskiej, poeta, prozaik i dramaturg, autor "Portretu Doriana Graya", "Wachlarza lady Windermere" i dowcipnych paradoksów. Prezentowany tu "Duch Canterville'ów" ukazał się w r. 1891 w tomie "Zbrodnia lorda Artura Saville". Bram Stoker (1847-1912) — prozaik angielski, autor powieści i opowiadań grozy, pamiętany głównie jako twórca "Draculi", poczytnej niegdyś historii o wampirach. Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927) — powieściopisarz i dramaturg angielski, pamiętany głównie jako autor tłumaczonej również na polski powieści humorystycznej "Trzech panów w łódce, nie licząc psa". Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) — klasyk literatury angielskiej, nowelista, powieściopisarz i poeta, autor "Ksiąg dżungli" i "Kima". Prezentowana tu "Moja własna prawdziwa historia o duchach" pochodzi z tomu "Wee Willie Winicie and Other Child Stories" (1888). Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) — angielski powieściopisarz, nowelista, publicysta, myśliciel i społecznik, niesłychanie wpływowy i poczytny w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Z jego ogromnego dorobku publicystycznego i beletrystycznego czytane są dzisiaj tylko niektóre powieści społeczno-obyczajowe ("Kipps", "Tono Bungay") i fantastyczno- naukowe, zaliczane do klasyki gatunku ("Wehikuł czasu", "Niewidzialny człowiek", "Wojna światów"). Prezentowany tu "Niedoświadczony duch" pochodzi z tomu "Twelve Stories and a Dream" (1903). © 2020 POTOP (Audiobook) ISBN: 9788395813399
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Arcydzieło literatury science-fiction autora książek „Niewidzialny człowiek” i „Wyspa doktora Moreau”. Klasyka literatury angielskiej. Zadłużony Bedford i genialny wynalazca Cavor, dzięki maszynie zbudowanej z materiału odpornego na działanie sił grawitacji, udają się z wyprawą na Księżyc. Spotykają tam wysoko rozwiniętą cywilizację owadopodobnych stworzeń - selenitów - zamieszkujących pod powierzchnią, która kryje wielkie złoża złota. Powieść Pierwsi ludzie na Księżycu została opublikowana w 1901 roku zaś w Polsce już w 1902 roku. © 2021 POTOP (Audiobook) ISBN: 9788396091413Tytuł oryginalny: The first men in the Moon
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The Cone - H. G. Wells - The Cone is a short story by H. G. Wells, first published in 1895 in Unicorn. It was intended to be "the opening chapter of a sensational novel set in the Five Towns", later abandoned.The story is set at an ironworks in Stoke-on-Trent, in Staffordshire. An artist is there to depict the industrial landscape; the manager of the ironworks discovers his affair with his wife, and takes him on a tour of the factory, where there are dangerous features.
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The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. Originally serialized in Pearson's Weekly in 1897, it was published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics and invents a way to change a body's refractive index to that of air so that it neither absorbs nor reflects light and thus becomes invisible. He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but fails in his attempt to reverse it. An enthusiast of random and irresponsible violence, Griffin has become an iconic character in horror fiction. A mysterious man, Griffin, arrives at the local inn owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of Iping, West Sussex, during a snowstorm. The stranger wears a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves; his face is hidden entirely by bandages except for a fake pink nose; and he wears a wide-brimmed hat. He is excessively reclusive, irascible, unfriendly, and an introvert. He demands to be left alone and spends most of his time in his rooms working with a set of chemicals and laboratory apparatus, only venturing out at night. While Griffin is staying at the inn, hundreds of strange glass bottles (that he calls his luggage) arrive. Many local townspeople believe this to be very odd. He becomes the talk of the village with many theorizing as to his origins. While its predecessors, The Time Machine and The Island of Doctor Moreau, were written using first-person narrators, Wells adopts a third-person objective point of view in The Invisible Man. Famous works of the author Herbert Wells: "The Time Machine", "The War of the Worlds", "The War in the Air", "The Island of Dr. Moreau", "The Complete Science Fiction Treasury of H.G. Wells", "The Invisible Man", "When the Sleeper Wakes", "The First Men in the Moon", "The Food of the Gods", "The Magic Shop".
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The Invisible Man H. G. Wells - The Invisible Man is an 1897 science fiction novella by H.G. Wells. Wells' novel was originally serialised in Pearson's Magazine in 1897, and published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who theorises that if a person's refractive index is changed to exactly that of air and his body does not absorb or reflect light, then he will be invisible. He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but cannot become visible again, becoming mentally unstable as a result.
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The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells. The text of the novel is the narration of Edward Prendick, a shipwrecked man rescued by a passing boat who is left on the island home of Doctor Moreau, a mad scientist who creates human-like hybrid beings from animals via vivisection. The novel deals with a number of philosophical themes, including pain and cruelty, moral responsibility, human identity, and human interference with nature. Wells described it as "an exercise in youthful blasphemy." The Island of Doctor Moreau is a classic of early science fiction and remains one of Wells' best-known books. The novel is the earliest depiction of the science fiction motif "uplift" in which a more advanced race intervenes in the evolution of an animal species to bring the latter to a higher level of intelligence. It has been adapted to film and other media on many occasions, with Charles Laughton (1933), Burt Lancaster (1977), and Marlon Brando (1996) as the mad doctor. The Island of Doctor Moreau is the account of Edward Prendick, an Englishman with a scientific education who survives a shipwreck in the southern Pacific Ocean. A passing ship called Ipecacuanha takes him aboard, and a man named Montgomery revives him. Prendick also meets a grotesque bestial native named M'ling, who appears to be Montgomery's manservant. The ship is transporting a number of animals which belong to Montgomery. As they approach the island, Montgomery's destination, the captain demands Prendick leave the ship with Montgomery. Montgomery explains that he will not be able to host Prendick on the island. Despite this, the captain leaves Prendick in a dinghy and sails away. Seeing that the captain has abandoned Prendick, Montgomery takes pity and rescues him. As ships rarely pass the island, Prendick will be housed in an outer room of an enclosed compound. Famous works of the author Herbert Wells: "The Time Machine", "The War of the Worlds", "The War in the Air", "The Island of Dr. Moreau", "The Complete Science Fiction Treasury of H.G. Wells", "The Invisible Man", "When the Sleeper Wakes", "The First Men in the Moon", "The Food of the Gods", "The Magic Shop".
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The New Accelerator features a fascinating depiction of the invention of what sounds a lot like an amphetamine (though technically they had already been invented a dozen years earlier). It will also remind Star Trek fans of the episode called Wink of an Eye.A friend of H.G. Wells is on the verge of making a scientific breakthrough which promises to revolutionise human life so the two friends decide to road-test the new drug with exciting but dangerous consequences.
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The Red Room H. G. Wells - The Red Room is a short horror story written by H.G. Wells and published in 1894. It follows a confident young sceptic-the unnamed narrator of the story-as he attempts to spend the night in an infamously haunted room in a castle.
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