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Platón ​(en griego antiguo: Πλάτων, Plátōn; Atenas​ o Egina,​ c. 427-347 a. C.)​ fue un filósofo griego seguidor de Sócrates y maestro de Aristóteles. En 387 fundó la Academia,​ institución que continuaría su marcha a lo largo de más de novecientos años y a la que Aristóteles acudiría desde Estagira a estudiar filosofía alrededor del 367, compartiendo, de este modo, unos veinte años de amistad y trabajo con su maestro. ​ Platón participó activamente en la enseñanza de la Academia y escribió, siempre en forma de diálogo, sobre los más diversos temas, tales como filosofía política, ética, psicología, antropología filosófica, epistemología, gnoseología, metafísica, cosmogonía, cosmología, filosofía del lenguaje y filosofía de la educación; intentó también plasmar en un Estado real su original teoría política, razón por la cual viajó dos veces a Siracusa, Sicilia, con intenciones de poner en práctica allí su proyecto, pero fracasó en ambas ocasiones y logró escapar penosamente y corriendo peligro su vida debido a las persecuciones que sufrió por parte de sus opositores. Su influencia como autor y sistematizador ha sido incalculable en toda la historia de la filosofía, de la que se ha dicho con frecuencia que alcanzó identidad como disciplina gracias a sus trabajos. Alfred North Whitehead llegó a comentar: La caracterización general más segura de la tradición filosófica europea es que consiste en una serie de notas a pie de página de Platón. Alfred North Whitehead (1929)
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Obras Completas de Platón / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : RMB : Legimi, 2020.
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Platón ​(en griego antiguo: Πλάτων, Plátōn; Atenas​ o Egina,​ c. 427-347 a. C.)​ fue un filósofo griego seguidor de Sócrates y maestro de Aristóteles. En 387 fundó la Academia,​ institución que continuaría su marcha a lo largo de más de novecientos años y a la que Aristóteles acudiría desde Estagira a estudiar filosofía alrededor del 367, compartiendo, de este modo, unos veinte años de amistad y trabajo con su maestro. ​ Platón participó activamente en la enseñanza de la Academia y escribió, siempre en forma de diálogo, sobre los más diversos temas, tales como filosofía política, ética, psicología, antropología filosófica, epistemología, gnoseología, metafísica, cosmogonía, cosmología, filosofía del lenguaje y filosofía de la educación; intentó también plasmar en un Estado real su original teoría política, razón por la cual viajó dos veces a Siracusa, Sicilia, con intenciones de poner en práctica allí su proyecto, pero fracasó en ambas ocasiones y logró escapar penosamente y corriendo peligro su vida debido a las persecuciones que sufrió por parte de sus opositores. Su influencia como autor y sistematizador ha sido incalculable en toda la historia de la filosofía, de la que se ha dicho con frecuencia que alcanzó identidad como disciplina gracias a sus trabajos. Alfred North Whitehead llegó a comentar: La caracterización general más segura de la tradición filosófica europea es que consiste en una serie de notas a pie de página de Platón. Alfred North Whitehead (1929)
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Obras Completas de Platón / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Icarsus : Legimi, 2021.
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Platón ​(en griego antiguo: Πλάτων, Plátōn; Atenas​ o Egina,​ c. 427-347 a. C.)​ fue un filósofo griego seguidor de Sócrates y maestro de Aristóteles. En 387 fundó la Academia,​ institución que continuaría su marcha a lo largo de más de novecientos años y a la que Aristóteles acudiría desde Estagira a estudiar filosofía alrededor del 367, compartiendo, de este modo, unos veinte años de amistad y trabajo con su maestro. ​ Platón participó activamente en la enseñanza de la Academia y escribió, siempre en forma de diálogo, sobre los más diversos temas, tales como filosofía política, ética, psicología, antropología filosófica, epistemología, gnoseología, metafísica, cosmogonía, cosmología, filosofía del lenguaje y filosofía de la educación; intentó también plasmar en un Estado real su original teoría política, razón por la cual viajó dos veces a Siracusa, Sicilia, con intenciones de poner en práctica allí su proyecto, pero fracasó en ambas ocasiones y logró escapar penosamente y corriendo peligro su vida debido a las persecuciones que sufrió por parte de sus opositores. Su influencia como autor y sistematizador ha sido incalculable en toda la historia de la filosofía, de la que se ha dicho con frecuencia que alcanzó identidad como disciplina gracias a sus trabajos. Alfred North Whitehead llegó a comentar: La caracterización general más segura de la tradición filosófica europea es que consiste en una serie de notas a pie de página de Platón. Alfred North Whitehead (1929)
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Parmenides / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Phoemixx Classics Ebooks : Legimi, 2021.
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Parmenides Plato - This Plato is an English translation of one of the more challenging and enigmatic of Plato's dialogues between Socrates and Parmenides and Zeno of Elea, that begins with Zeno defending his treatise of Parmenidean monism against those partisans of plurality. Focus Philosophical Library translations are close to and are non-interpretative of the original text, with the notes and a glossary intending to provide the reader with some sense of the terms and the concepts as they were understood by Platos immediate audience.
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Phaedo / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : libreka classics : Legimi, 2019.
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Phaedo by Plato. Death of Socrates 3, translated by Benjamin Jowett libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
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Phaedo / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Phoemixx Classics Ebooks : Legimi, 2021.
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Phaedo Plato - A classic work of ancient Greek literature from one of the most famous of all ancient Greek philosophers, the "Phaedo" is the story of the last moments of Socrates life as recounted by Phaedo a first-hand witness to Socrates final hours. In those last moments Socrates explains that his suicide does not matter because his soul is immortal and he proceeds to give four reasons why this is so. No two greater figures than Plato and Socrates exist in the world of ancient Greek philosophy. Here they are brought together, one as the subject and the other as the author. Presented here is the classic introduction and translation of Benjamin Jowett.
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Phaedrus / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Phoemixx Classics Ebooks : Legimi, 2021.
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Phaedrus Plato - The Phaedrus written by Plato, is a dialogue between Plato's protagonist, Socrates, and Phaedrus, an interlocutor in several dialogues.Plato (424/423 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.
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Philebus / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Phoemixx Classics Ebooks : Legimi, 2021.
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Philebus Plato - The Philebus is an extraordinarily creative and profound examination of what makes for a good human life, containing some of Plato's most sophisticated discussions of moral psychology, knowledge, metaphysics, and philosophical methodology. The Philebushad a far greater influence on Aristotle's ethics than the frequently studied Republic - yet historians of philosophical ethics have relatively neglected it and existing commentaries tend toemphasize certain aspects at the expense of others. This edited volume, the first of its kind, brings together leading scholars of ancient philosophy to take a fresh and comprehensive look at this important work. Each essay focuses on a relatively brief section of the Philebus and discusses the passages methodically, coveringtopics such as pleasure, knowledge, philosophical method, and the human good in detail. The result is not and is not intended to be a commentary, nor does it aim to present a unified interpretation. It is instead a series of close, original philosophical examinations, often in conversation with each other, which together provide continuous coverage of the Philebus. This reference work, a useful resource for teaching and studying, is valuable reading for researchers, scholars, graduatestudents, and advanced undergraduates interested in Plato, ancient Greek ethics, and in the history of ethics.
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Plato is, by any reckoning, one of the most dazzling writers in the Western literary tradition and one of the most penetrating, wide-ranging, and influential authors in the history of philosophy. Few other authors in the history of Western philosophy approximate him in depth and range: perhaps only Aristotle (who studied with him), Aquinas, and Kant would be generally agreed to be of the same rank. This carefully selected collection contains: Early: The Apology of Socrates Charmides Crito Euthyphro Ion Laches Lysis Menexenus Middle: Republic The Allegory of the Cave Symposium Meno Phaedo Late: Critias
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Plato (428/427–348/347 BCE) was a Greek philosopher and mathematician of the Classic Age who founded the Academy of Athens. Noted as a student of Socrates, Plato has distinguished himself as one of the founders of Western philosophy by recording the teachings of his master and his own philosophies in 35 dialogues and 13 letters (some are disputed as spurious). This collection contains the following works by Plato: All books translated by Benjamin Jowett Part 1: Early Dialogues The Apology Crito Charmides Laches Lysis Euthyphro Menexenus Ion Gorgias Protagoras Meno Part 2: Middle Dialogues Euthydemus Cratylus Phaedo Phaedrus The Symposium Theaetetus Parmenides Part 3: Late Dialogues Sophist Statesman Philebus Timaeus Critias Part 4: The Republic I: Of Wealth, Justice, Moderation, and their Opposites II: The Individual, the State, and Education III: The Arts in Education IV: Wealth, Poverty, and Virtue V: On Matrimony and Philosophy VI: The Philosophy of Government VII: On Shadows and Realities in Education VIII: Four Forms of Government IX: On Wrong or Right Government, and the Pleasures of Each X: The Recompense of Life Part 5: The Laws Books I–XII
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Plato: The Complete Works / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : e-artnow : Legimi, 2015.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "Plato: The Complete Works" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Plato (428/427 BC - 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece. He was also a mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science. Table of contents: Early works: Apology Crito Charmides Euthyphro First Alcibiades Greater Hippias Lesser Hippias Ion Laches Lysis Middle works: Cratylus Euthydemus Gorgias Menexenus Meno Phaedo Protagoras Symposium Republic Phaedrus Parmenides Theaetetus Late works: Timaeus Critias Sophist Statesman Philebus Laws Pseudonymous works (traditionally attributed to Plato, but considered by virtually all modern authorities not to have been written by him): Epinomis Second Alcibiades Hipparcus Rival Lovers Theages Cleitophon Minos Demoducus Axiochus On Justice On Virtue Sisyphus Eryxias Halcyon Letters There are also included a number of essays relating to various aspects of Plato's works.
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Plato was a philosopher in Ancient Greece. He was an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Plato's dialogues have been used (and are still used) to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, religion and mathematics. His lasting themes include Platonic love, the theory of forms, the five regimes, innate knowledge, among others. His theory of forms launched a unique perspective on abstract objects, and led to a school of thought called Platonism. This collection contains the following works by Plato: Early Works •Apology •Charmides, or Temperance •Crito •Euthyphro •Gorgias •Hippias, Lesser •Hippias, Greater •Ion •Laches •Lysis •Protagoras Transitional Works •Cratylus •Euthydemus •Meno •Parmenides •Phaedo •Phaedrus •Symposium •The Republic Middle Works •Theaetetus Late Works •Critias •Laws •Philebus •Sophist •Statesman •Timaeus Works of Disputed Authorship •Alcibiades I & II •Eryxias •Menexenus •Theages
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Plato was a philosopher in Ancient Greece. He was an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Plato's dialogues have been used (and are still used) to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, religion and mathematics. His lasting themes include Platonic love, the theory of forms, the five regimes, innate knowledge, among others. His theory of forms launched a unique perspective on abstract objects, and led to a school of thought called Platonism. This collection contains the following works by Plato: Early Works •Apology •Charmides, or Temperance •Crito •Euthyphro •Gorgias •Hippias, Lesser •Hippias, Greater •Ion •Laches •Lysis •Protagoras Transitional Works •Cratylus •Euthydemus •Meno •Parmenides •Phaedo •Phaedrus •Symposium •The Republic Middle Works •Theaetetus Late Works •Critias •Laws •Philebus •Sophist •Statesman •Timaeus Works of Disputed Authorship •Alcibiades I & II •Eryxias •Menexenus •Theages
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Plato was a philosopher in Ancient Greece. He was an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Plato's dialogues have been used (and are still used) to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, religion and mathematics. His lasting themes include Platonic love, the theory of forms, the five regimes, innate knowledge, among others. His theory of forms launched a unique perspective on abstract objects, and led to a school of thought called Platonism. This collection contains the following works by Plato: Early Works •Apology •Charmides, or Temperance •Crito •Euthyphro •Gorgias •Hippias, Lesser •Hippias, Greater •Ion •Laches •Lysis •Protagoras Transitional Works •Cratylus •Euthydemus •Meno •Parmenides •Phaedo •Phaedrus •Symposium •The Republic Middle Works •Theaetetus Late Works •Critias •Laws •Philebus •Sophist •Statesman •Timaeus Works of Disputed Authorship •Alcibiades I & II •Eryxias •Menexenus •Theages
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Plato was a philosopher in Ancient Greece. He was an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Plato's dialogues have been used (and are still used) to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, religion and mathematics. His lasting themes include Platonic love, the theory of forms, the five regimes, innate knowledge, among others. His theory of forms launched a unique perspective on abstract objects, and led to a school of thought called Platonism. This collection contains the following works by Plato: Early Works •Apology •Charmides, or Temperance •Crito •Euthyphro •Gorgias •Hippias, Lesser •Hippias, Greater •Ion •Laches •Lysis •Protagoras Transitional Works •Cratylus •Euthydemus •Meno •Parmenides •Phaedo •Phaedrus •Symposium •The Republic Middle Works •Theaetetus Late Works •Critias •Laws •Philebus •Sophist •Statesman •Timaeus Works of Disputed Authorship •Alcibiades I & II •Eryxias •Menexenus •Theages
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Plato was a philosopher in Ancient Greece. He was an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Plato's dialogues have been used (and are still used) to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, religion and mathematics. His lasting themes include Platonic love, the theory of forms, the five regimes, innate knowledge, among others. His theory of forms launched a unique perspective on abstract objects, and led to a school of thought called Platonism. This collection contains the following works by Plato: Early Works •Apology •Charmides, or Temperance •Crito •Euthyphro •Gorgias •Hippias, Lesser •Hippias, Greater •Ion •Laches •Lysis •Protagoras Transitional Works •Cratylus •Euthydemus •Meno •Parmenides •Phaedo •Phaedrus •Symposium •The Republic Middle Works •Theaetetus Late Works •Critias •Laws •Philebus •Sophist •Statesman •Timaeus Works of Disputed Authorship •Alcibiades I & II •Eryxias •Menexenus •Theages
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" Embark on a Philosophical Odyssey! Delve deep into the profound insights of Plato, one of history's greatest thinkers, with this meticulously curated collection of his complete works. "A timeless journey through wisdom, politics, and the nature of existence." ✨ Why is this eBook ESSENTIAL for every thinker? Traverse the dialogues that have shaped centuries of thought, from the 'Republic' to the 'Symposium'. Experience the joy of enlightenment, the comfort of wisdom, and the thrill of philosophical discovery. Stand shoulder to shoulder with scholars, students, and enthusiasts who've been captivated by Plato's teachings. Inside, you'll explore: - The intricate dialogues that probe the depths of justice, love, and knowledge. - Plato's allegories that have puzzled and inspired thinkers for millennia. - The foundational ideas that have influenced Western philosophy and culture. Over 50 million enthusiasts enlightened worldwide! "I've revisited Plato's works multiple times in my life, and each time I discover something new. A must-have for every library!" Seize this opportunity! Dive into the world of Platonic thought and elevate your understanding of life and existence! Click 'Buy Now' and embark on your philosophical journey!
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Plato's Republic / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Jazzybee Verlag : Legimi, 2018.
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What is justice? Is the life upheld by Socrates sufficiently definite for practical guidance? The views of Callicles have been overborne; but have they been thoroughly examined? Socrates claims to be the only politician. But how can that deserve the name of policy which results in doing nothing? These and cognate questions may well have haunted Plato when he planned the Republic, the greatest of his works. The great principle of the political supremacy of mind, though thus held back through half the dialogue, really dominates the whole. It may be read between the lines all through, even in the institution of gymnastic and the appraisement of the cardinal virtues. It is a genuine development of Socratic thought. And it is this more than any other single feature which gives the Republic a prophetic significance as an attempt towards anticipating the work of future generations.
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Plato's Republic / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Musaicum Books : Legimi, 2018.
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Plato's Republic is a seminal work in the field of political philosophy, where Socrates engages in a series of dialogues on justice, the nature of the ideal state, and the role of the philosopher-ruler. Written in the form of a Socratic dialogue, the text explores the concepts of justice, morality, and the nature of the human soul. Its literary style is characterized by its use of dialectic and logical argumentation to dissect complex ideas. This work is considered one of the cornerstones of Western philosophy and has had a lasting influence on political thought and ethics. Plato's Republic is a must-read for those interested in understanding the foundations of philosophy and political theory. Through its thought-provoking discussions and intellectual depth, this book challenges readers to question their own beliefs and engage in critical thinking.
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Protagoras / Plato. - [miejsce nieznane] : Phoemixx Classics Ebooks : Legimi, 2021.
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Protagoras Plato - The Protagoras is one of Plato's most entertaining dialogues. It represents Socrates at a gathering of the most celebrated and highest-earning intellectuals of the day, among them the sophist Protagoras. In flamboyant displays of both rhetoric and dialectic, Socrates and Protagoras try to out-argue one another. Their arguments range widely, from political theory to literary criticism, from education to the nature of cowardice; but in view throughout this literary and philosophical masterpiece are the questions of what part knowledge plays in a successful life, and how we may acquire the knowledge that makes for success. This edition contains the first commentary in English on the Greek text for almost a hundred years.
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