Friedrich Engels
Źródło opisu
Forma i typ
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
Friedrich Engels
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Twain Mark
Konopnicka Maria
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Montgomery Lucy Maud
London Jack
Conrad Joseph
Dönges Günter
Mahr Kurt
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Mickiewicz Adam
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Kühnemann Andreas
King Stephen
Калинина Дарья
Andersen Hans Christian
Francis H.G
Austen Jane
May Karol
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Stevenson Robert Louis
Wells H. G
Voltz William
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Zimnicka Iwona
Balzac Honoré de
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Mark William
Prus Bolesław
Słowacki Juliusz
Hoffmann Horst
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Alcott Louisa May
Kneifel Hans
Brand Max
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Verne Juliusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Кир Булычев
Popławska Anna
Александрова Наталья
Wilde Oscar
Kayser-Darius Nina
Woolf Virginia
McMason Fred
Haensel Hubert
Колычев Владимир
Praca zbiorowa
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Головачёв Василий
Zarawska Patrycja
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Collins Wilkie
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Żeleński-Boy Tadeusz
Marciniakówna Anna
Scott Walter
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Leblanc Maurice
Fischer Marie Louise
Grey Zane
Cooper James Fenimore
Suchanek Andreas
Orwell George
Sandemo Margit
Christie Agata (1890-1976)
Anton Uwe
Dumas Alexandre
Thurner Michael Marcus
Zola Émile
Brendel Walter
Simenon Georges
Galdós Benito Pérez
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
24 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
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Welcome to the3 Books To Knowseries, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, non-fiction, historical documents or even biographies. We will always select for you three great works to instigate your mind, this time the topic is:Communism Communism is a political and socio-economic ideology that seeks the establishment of an egalitarian society. Its purpose is a society without social classes and stateless, through the common ownership of the means of production. Few political and economic theories were so influential in world history. The Manifest of the Communist Party was written by Karl Marx during the great process of urban struggles of the Revolutions of 1848. It criticizes the capitalist mode of production and the type of society generated by it. Is a basic work for understanding the purpose and principles of scientific socialism. A century earlier, the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau was interested in the origins of human inequality. In Discourse on the origin and basis of inequality among men, Rousseau argues that man has deviated from his natural state of freedom to please individualistic desires. In Socialism: utopian and scientific, Friedrich Engels explains the differences between utopian socialism and scientific socialism. Through a materialist perspective of history he understands communism as a natural substitute for capitalism. This is one of many books in the series 3 Books To Know. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the topics.
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Dostęp do treści elektronicznej wymaga posiadania kodu dostępu, który można odebrać w bibliotece.
W koszyku
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Welcome to the3 Books To Knowseries, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, non-fiction, historical documents or even biographies. We will always select for you three great works to instigate your mind, this time the topic is:Industrial Revolution: The Condition of the Working Class in England - Frederick Engels Hard Times - Charles Dickens Mary Barton - Elizabeth Gaskell The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. It began in Great Britain and spread throughout the world. This time period saw the mechanization of agriculture and textile manufacturing and a revolution in power, including steam ships and railroads, that effected social, cultural and economic conditions. The Condition of the Working Class in England is a study of the industrial working class in Victorian England. It was written during Engels's stay in Manchester, the city at the heart of the Industrial Revolution,. In Hard Times, the fictional town was modeled on Manchester. Towns such as these helped to produce the wealth, but the cost in human happiness was great. Dickens expose the bad state of relations between factory employers and their employees. Mary Barton is the first novel by English author Elizabeth Gaskell, published in 1848. The story also deals with the difficulties faced by the Victorian working class. It conveys contemporary concerns about the destructive effects of industrialisation. This is one of many books in the series 3 Books To Know. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the topics.
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Engels' Betrachtungen hatten das Ziel, die Kriegsereignisse unparteilich und vom rein militärischen Standpunkt einzuschätzen und, soweit dies möglich, ihren vermutlichen Einfluß auf die weiteren Operationen zu untersuchen.
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Dostęp do treści elektronicznej wymaga posiadania kodu dostępu, który można odebrać w bibliotece.
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"Del socialismo utópico al socialismo científico consta de tres capítulos que Engels extrajo de su Anti-Dühring, con el fin de ofrecer a los obreros una exposición popular de la doctrina marxista como concepción íntegra. En él, Engels consigue explicar de una forma sencilla la génesis del materialismo dialéctico y cómo de las condiciones materiales del sistema capitalista surge la posibilidad de construir una sociedad sin clases, es decir, el socialismo, que evolucionó desde los planteamientos utópicos de Owens, Fourier y Saint-Simon, al socialismo científico centrado en la concepción materialista de la historia, que pronostica el advenimiento necesario del socialismo a partir de las contradicciones internas del modo capitalista de producción. Publicado en primer lugar en Francia (traducción de Paul Lafargue, 1880) con el título de Socialisme utopique et socialisme scientifique, este folleto vio la luz en Alemania en 1882, y se tradujo a otros diez idiomas. Por su carácter divulgativo y por su breve extensión, es uno de los textos más difundidos de los fundadores del marxismo."
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