Marx Karl
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Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
Marx Karl
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Twain Mark
Konopnicka Maria
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Montgomery Lucy Maud
London Jack
Conrad Joseph
Dönges Günter
Mahr Kurt
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Mickiewicz Adam
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Kühnemann Andreas
King Stephen
Калинина Дарья
Andersen Hans Christian
Francis H.G
Austen Jane
May Karol
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
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Ellmer Arndt
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Stevenson Robert Louis
Wells H. G
Voltz William
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Zimnicka Iwona
Balzac Honoré de
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Mark William
Prus Bolesław
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Hoffmann Horst
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Alcott Louisa May
Kneifel Hans
Brand Max
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Verne Juliusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Кир Булычев
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Александрова Наталья
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McMason Fred
Haensel Hubert
Колычев Владимир
Praca zbiorowa
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Головачёв Василий
Zarawska Patrycja
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Collins Wilkie
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Żeleński-Boy Tadeusz
Marciniakówna Anna
Scott Walter
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Leblanc Maurice
Fischer Marie Louise
Grey Zane
Cooper James Fenimore
Suchanek Andreas
Orwell George
Sandemo Margit
Christie Agata (1890-1976)
Anton Uwe
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Thurner Michael Marcus
Zola Émile
Brendel Walter
Simenon Georges
Galdós Benito Pérez
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2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
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91 wyników Filtruj
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Karl Marx's 'The Capital & The Communist Manifesto' is a groundbreaking work that delves into the themes of capitalism, socialism, and class struggle. In 'The Capital,' Marx critically analyzes the capitalist economic system, highlighting its exploitative nature and the alienation of labor. His writing style is precise and analytical, combined with a revolutionary tone that challenges the status quo. The book is considered a cornerstone of Marxist literature and a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of modern economics. 'The Communist Manifesto' serves as a political manifesto, advocating for the overthrow of capitalist society and the establishment of a classless society. Its passionate rhetoric and call for social change have inspired revolutions and movements across the globe. Karl Marx, a German philosopher and economist, was deeply influenced by the social injustices and inequalities of his time. His experiences fueled his desire to critique and dismantle the capitalist system, leading to the creation of 'The Capital' and 'The Communist Manifesto.' Marx's expertise in political economy and philosophy shines through in his work, positioning him as a key figure in the development of socialist thought. I highly recommend 'The Capital & The Communist Manifesto' to readers interested in political theory, economics, and social justice. Marx's insights are as relevant today as they were during his time, offering valuable perspectives on the dynamics of class struggle and the possibilities of a more equitable society.
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Capital by Karl Marx is a foundational theoretical text in materialist philosophy, economics and politics. Marx aimed to reveal the economic patterns underpinning the capitalist mode of production, in contrast to classical political economists such as Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill. Marx did not live to publish the planned second and third parts, but they were both completed from his notes and published after his death by his colleague Friedrich Engels. Capital is the most cited book in the social sciences published before 1950. The Communist Manifesto (originally Manifesto of the Communist Party) is an 1848 political pamphlet by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London just as the revolutions of 1848 began to erupt, the Manifesto was later recognised as one of the world's most influential political documents. Wage Labour and Capital is an essay on economics by Karl Marx, written in 1847 and first published in articles in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung in April 1849. This essay has been widely acclaimed as the precursor to Marx's important treatise Das Kapital. Value, Price and Profit was a speech given to the First International Working Men's Association in June in 1865 by Karl Marx. It was written between the end of May and June 27 in 1865, and was published in 1898. Karl Marx (1818–1883) was a famous German philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist.
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The Communist Manifesto is an 1848 political pamphlet by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London (in German as Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) just as the revolutions of 1848 began to erupt, the Manifesto was later recognised as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and then-present) and the problems of capitalism and the capitalist mode of production, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms. The Communist Manifesto summarises Marx and Engels' theories about the nature of society and politics, that in their own words, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles". It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism.
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Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. In 1848, two young men published what would become one of the defining documents of modern history, The Communist Manifesto. It rapidly realigned political faultlines all over the world and its aftershock resonates to this day. In the many years since its publication, no other social program has inspired such divisive and violent debate. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world's first regime to adopt the Manifesto's tenets, historians have debated its intent and its impact. In the current era of market democracy in Russia and Eastern Europe, nationalism on every continent, and an ever tightening global economy, does the specter of Communism still haunt the world? Were the seeds of Communism's ultimate destruction already planted in 1848? Is there anything to be learned from Marx's envisioned utopia?
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The Communist Manifesto, originally the Manifesto of the Communist Party (German: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei), is an 1848 political document by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London just as the Revolutions of 1848 began to erupt, the Manifesto was later recognised as one of the world's most influential political documents. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and then-present) and the conflicts of capitalism and the capitalist mode of production, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms. The Communist Manifesto summarises Marx and Engels' theories concerning the nature of society and politics, namely that in their own words "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles". It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism. In the last paragraph of the Manifesto, the authors call for a "forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions", which served as a call for communist revolutions around the world. In 2013, The Communist Manifesto was registered to UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme along with Marx's Capital, Volume I.
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The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels - The Communist Manifesto, originally titled Manifesto of the Communist Party (German: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) is a short 1848 book written by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It has since been recognized as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Commissioned by the Communist League, it laid out the League's purposes and program. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and present) and the problems of capitalism, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms. The book contains Marx and Engels' Marxist theories about the nature of society and politics, that in their own words, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism, and then eventually communism.
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The Communist Manifesto / Karl Marx. - [miejsce nieznane] : Bookish : Legimi, 2023.
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Embark on a Journey of Ideological Transformation! Discover the timeless power of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' groundbreaking manifesto with our ebook, "The Communist Manifesto." This revolutionary work has shaped the course of history and continues to resonate in today's dynamic world. Ignite Your Intellectual Fire Dive into the pages that ignited social revolutions and challenged the status quo. "The Communist Manifesto" is not just a historical document; it's a call to action, a blueprint for societal change that echoes through the ages. Why Choose 'The Communist Manifesto' Ebook? - Unravel the Philosophical Foundations: Explore the core tenets of communism that shook the foundations of 19th-century society. - Insights into Social Dynamics: Gain profound insights into class struggles, historical materialism, and the inevitability of a proletarian revolution. - Relevant for Today: Witness the enduring relevance of Marx and Engels' ideas in the contemporary landscape. Join the Ideological Vanguard Be part of the community that recognizes the impact of 'The Communist Manifesto.' Hear the echoes of change from readers who found inspiration and a deeper understanding of societal structures within its pages. "An eye-opener! This manifesto transcends time, making us rethink the very fabric of our society." - A. Reader Experience the Revolution, Order Now! Seize the opportunity to delve into this transformative masterpiece. Order your copy of "The Communist Manifesto" now and join the ranks of those who seek intellectual enlightenment and societal evolution.
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Karl Marx's seminal works, 'The Communist Manifesto' and 'Capital,' delve deep into the principles of communism and the critique of capitalism. 'The Communist Manifesto' outlines the class struggles prevalent in society and the need for a proletarian revolution, presenting a stark vision of a society free from class distinctions and private ownership of the means of production. 'Capital' analyzes the capitalist system, exploring labor exploitation, surplus value, and economic crises. Marx's writing style is sharp, analytical, and persuasive, making his arguments compelling and thought-provoking. These works are essential in understanding Marxist theory and its influence on social and political thought. Published in the mid-19th century, they continue to impact contemporary discussions on equality, labor rights, and the role of the state in economy. Karl Marx, a German philosopher and economist, was driven by his observations of the working class's hardships and the inequalities perpetuated by capitalism. His critiques of the economic system and advocacy for communism were informed by his desire for social justice and equality. Marx's intellectual contributions have shaped revolutionary movements and inspired generations of thinkers, activists, and policymakers. I highly recommend 'The Communist Manifesto' and 'Capital' to readers interested in political philosophy, economics, and history. Marx's groundbreaking analysis of capitalism, labor relations, and class struggle remains relevant and influential, offering valuable insights into the dynamics of society and economy.
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Immerse yourself in the thought-provoking classic, "The Communist Manifesto: Marx and Engels' Revolutionary Classic - eBook Edition". This defining piece of literature continues to inform, engage, and stir debates among millions of readers around the globe. Unearth the foundations of communist ideology through the sharp intellect of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Traverse the pathways of class struggle and the upheavals of societal change, evoking thought, introspection, and intellectual engagement. While we offer a glimpse into the gravity of their arguments, the most enriching exploration awaits within the eBook itself. Our eBook edition maintains the original's powerful discourse while ensuring a smooth reading experience across all devices. Universally acclaimed by academics and general readers alike, it boasts a substantial volume of 5-star reviews as testament to its enduring relevance and quality. Seize the opportunity to delve into this revolutionary classic today! Download 'The Communist Manifesto' now and engage with one of the most influential political treatises ever penned.
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The Communist Manifesto, originally titled Manifesto of the Communist Party (German: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) is a short 1848 book written by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It has since been recognized as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Commissioned by the Communist League, it laid out the League's purposes and program. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and present) and the problems of capitalism, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms. The book contains Marx and Engels' Marxist theories about the nature of society and politics, that in their own words, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism, and then eventually communism.
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Karl Marx's 'The Process of Capitalist Production' delves into the intricate workings of the capitalist system, analyzing labor, commodities, and the accumulation of capital. Written in a clear and assertive style, Marx dissects the economic relationships between workers and owners, shedding light on the exploitation inherent in capitalist production. The book serves as a foundational text in socialist literature, offering a critique of capitalism while proposing alternatives for a more equitable society. Marx's use of empirical data and historical analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the capitalist mode of production, making this book essential reading for anyone interested in economics and social justice.
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In Karl Marx's seminal work, 'The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole' (commonly known as 'Capital Vol. III'), the author delves deep into the complexities of the capitalist economic system, exploring the intricacies of production, distribution, and realization of capital. Marx's writing style is dense and analytical, as he provides a critical examination of the capitalist mode of production, offering a comprehensive understanding of the inner workings of the economic system. The book is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the economic foundations of capitalism and the exploitation inherent in the system. Marx's use of historical materialism and dialectical analysis sets this work apart from other economic treatises of its time, making it a cornerstone of Marxist economic theory. The detailed exploration of surplus value, profitability, and the contradictions of capitalism make 'The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole' a must-read for scholars and students of economic theory and social history.
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Karl Marx's 'The Process of Circulation of Capital (Capital Vol. II)' delves into the intricacies of economic theory and the movement of capital within a capitalist society. Written as a continuation of his seminal work 'Das Kapital', this second volume explores how capital is circulated and reproduced within the capitalist system. Marx's dense and analytical writing style, combined with his deep understanding of economic principles, offers readers a comprehensive look at the economic relationships that drive society. Through detailed analysis and real-world examples, Marx illustrates the complexities of capital circulation and its impact on various social classes. This work is essential for anyone looking to understand the dynamics of capitalism and its effects on society. Karl Marx, a renowned German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary socialist, wrote 'The Process of Circulation of Capital' as part of his critique of capitalism. His background in economics and social theory, coupled with his passion for social justice, fueled his desire to analyze and critique the capitalist system. Marx's deep-seated belief in the exploitative nature of capitalism and the need for social change is evident throughout his work, making 'Capital Vol. II' a cornerstone in the study of economic theory. I highly recommend 'The Process of Circulation of Capital (Capital Vol. II)' to readers interested in delving into the complexities of capitalism and economic theory. Marx's insightful analysis and critique of the capitalist system offer valuable insights into the functioning of society and the interactions between economic classes. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the economic forces at play in the modern world.
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Zur Judenfrage / Karl Marx. - [miejsce nieznane] : Musaicum Books : Legimi, 2017.
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Karl Marx' Werk 'Zur Judenfrage' ist ein bedeutendes politisches und philosophisches Essay, das sich intensiv mit der Frage der Emanzipation der Juden in Europa auseinandersetzt. Der Text, der erstmals 1843 veröffentlicht wurde, ist geprägt von Marx' analytischem Stil und seinem Engagement für soziale Gerechtigkeit. In 'Zur Judenfrage' argumentiert Marx für die Notwendigkeit einer radikalen Veränderung der politischen Verhältnisse, um die Gleichberechtigung der Juden zu erreichen. Dabei greift er auf historische und philosophische Argumente zurück, die dem Leser ein tiefgründiges Verständnis der Thematik vermitteln. Dieses Werk markiert einen wichtigen Schritt in Marx' Entwicklung als Denker und Aktivist und zeigt sein frühzeitiges Engagement für die Rechte von Minderheiten.
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Zur Judenfrage / Karl Marx. - [miejsce nieznane] : e-artnow : Legimi, 2015.
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Dieses eBook: "Zur Judenfrage" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Marx widmet sich in der Schrift der Frage nach politischer und menschlicher Emanzipation, wobei wie schon in der zuvor verfassten Schrift Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie das widersprüchliche Verhältnis von politischem Staat und bürgerlicher Gesellschaft, wie dessen Lösung, zentral für die Argumentation ist. Einleitend stellt Marx Bruno Bauers Lösung der Judenfrage dar. Nach Marx fasse Bauer die Judenfrage auf als eine Frage von dem Verhältnis der Religion zum Staat, von dem Widerspruch der religiösen Befangenheit und der politischen Emanzipation. Die Emanzipation von der Religion würde "als Bedingung gestellt, sowohl an den Juden, der politisch emanzipiert sein will, als an den Staat, der emanzipieren und selbst emanzipiert sein soll." Nach Marx müsste nicht nur gefragt werden, wer emanzipieren soll, und wer emanzipiert werden sollte, ebenso müsste gefragt werden: "Welche Bedingungen sind im Wesen der verlangten Emanzipation begründet?" Bauers Fehler liege darin, "daß er nur den "christlichen Staat", nicht den "Staat schlechthin" der Kritik unterwirft, daß er das Verhältnis der politischen Emanzipation zur menschlichen Emanzipation nicht untersucht". Marx stellt anhand konkreter Beispiele heraus, dass volle politische Emanzipation durchaus mit der fortwährenden Existenz und Praxis von Religion möglich sei, wie dies am Beispiel der Trennung von Staat und Religion in den Vereinigten Staaten ersichtlich wäre. Karl Marx (1818-1883) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Ökonom, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, politischer Journalist, Protagonist der Arbeiterbewegung sowie Kritiker der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und der Religion.
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Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie ist eine Schrift von Karl Marx aus den Jahren 1843 und 1844. Sie besteht aus einem von März bis August 1843 in Kreuznach verfassten Kritik des Hegelschen Staatsrechts sowie einer Ende 1843 bis Januar 1844 entstandenen Einleitung. Marx geht in dieser Kritik der "deutschen Zustände" von der Religion aus, welche er als "Opium des Volkes" bezeichnet (womit er eine Formulierung von Heinrich Heine zuspitzte). Doch im Sinne der Emanzipation ist über eine "Kritik des Himmels" hinaus für Marx eine "Kritik der Politik" notwendig ... (aus
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Dieses eBook: "Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechts-Philosophie ist eine Schrift von Karl Marx aus den Jahren 1843 und 1844. Sie besteht aus einer von März bis August 1843 verfassten Kritik des Hegelschen Staatsrechts, die 1927 erstmals veröffentlicht wurde, und einer Ende 1843 bis Januar 1844 entstandenen Einleitung, die im Jahr 1844 erschien. Ersterer Text ist auch als Kreuznacher Manuskript bekannt. Dieser berühmte Text erschien 1844 in den Deutsch-Französischen Jahrbüchern. Marx geht in dieser Kritik der "deutschen Zustände" von der Religion aus, welche er als "Opium des Volkes" bezeichnet (womit er eine Formulierung von Heinrich Heine zuspitzte). Doch im Sinne der Emanzipation ist über eine "Kritik des Himmels" hinaus für Marx eine "Kritik der Politik" notwendig, welche nicht alleine durch die Philosophie, sondern nur durch das Handeln der Klasse des Proletariats erfolgen könne. Dem Bild Hegels von der Philosophie als der "Eule der Minerva", die "erst mit der einbrechenden Dämmerung ihren Flug" beginnt, setzt Marx am Ende seiner Einleitung das "Schmettern des gallischen Hahns" entgegen, durch welches, "wenn alle innern Bedingungen erfüllt sind", der "deutsche Auferstehungstag" verkündet werde. Karl Marx (1818-1883) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Ökonom, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, politischer Journalist, Protagonist der Arbeiterbewegung sowie Kritiker der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und der Religion. Zusammen mit Friedrich Engels wurde er zum einflussreichsten Theoretiker des Sozialismus und Kommunismus.
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Mit der Schrift Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie hat Karl Marx im Jahr 1859 erstmals eine ausgearbeitete Form seiner Theorie der kapitalistischen Produktionsweise veröffentlicht, die er und Engels in den 3 Bänden Das Kapital, erschienen 1867, 1885 und 1894, später ausführlich darstellten. Im Mittelpunkt stehen der Wert der Waren in seiner doppelten Darstellungsform von Gebrauchswert und Tauschwert, die konkrete und die abstrakte Arbeit, die Arbeitszeit als quantitatives Maß der Arbeit, das Geld, die Zirkulation, Akkumulation, Produktions- und Handelskrisen. (aus
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Dieses eBook: "Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen der Wert der Waren in seiner doppelten Darstellungsform von Gebrauchswert und Tauschwert, die konkrete und die abstrakte Arbeit, die Arbeitszeit als quantitatives Maß der Arbeit, das Geld, die Zirkulation, Akkumulation, Produktions- und Handelskrisen. Marx beschreibt dabei auch die verkehrte Auffassung der ökonomischen Verhältnisse innerhalb der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und bei den bürgerlichen Ökonomen: "Daß ein gesellschaftliches Produktionsverhältnis sich als ein außer den Individuen vorhandener Gegenstand und die bestimmten Beziehungen, die sie im Produktionsprozeß ihres gesellschaftlichen Lebens eingehen, sich als spezifische Eigenschaften eines Dings darstellen, diese Verkehrung und nicht eingebildete, sondern prosaisch reelle Mystifikation charakterisiert alle gesellschaftlichen Formen der Tauschwert setzenden Arbeit. Im Geld erscheint sie nur frappanter als in der Ware." Karl Marx (1818-1883) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Ökonom, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, politischer Journalist, Protagonist der Arbeiterbewegung sowie Kritiker der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und der Religion. Zusammen mit Friedrich Engels wurde er zum einflussreichsten Theoretiker des Sozialismus und Kommunismus.
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Das Buch 'Zweites Kaiserreich' von Karl Marx ist eine tiefgreifende Analyse der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts. Marx beleuchtet die Entstehung des Zweiten Kaiserreichs unter Napoleon III. und seine Auswirkungen auf die Arbeiterklasse. Mit einem fesselnden und informativen Schreibstil verbindet Marx historische Fakten mit seiner marxistischen Analyse, um die sozialen Ungleichheiten und Klassenkämpfe dieser Zeit zu beleuchten. Das Werk ist ein bedeutender Beitrag zur politischen Philosophie und Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Karl Marx, ein renommierter Philosoph, Soziologe und Ökonom, ist bekannt für seine bahnbrechenden Werke über Kapitalismus und Sozialismus. Seine politischen Überzeugungen und seine intensive Forschungstätigkeit prägten seine Werke, darunter 'Das Kapital' und 'Das Kommunistische Manifest'. 'Zweites Kaiserreich' ist ein Muss für alle, die sich für die politische Geschichte Frankreichs und die sozioökonomischen Veränderungen des 19. Jahrhunderts interessieren. Marx' scharfe Analyse und sein kritischer Blick machen dieses Buch zu einer unverzichtbaren Lektüre für jeden, der die sozialen Strukturen und Klassenkämpfe in der Geschichte verstehen will.
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