Biggers Earl Derr
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Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
Biggers Earl Derr
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Twain Mark
Konopnicka Maria
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Montgomery Lucy Maud
London Jack
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Dönges Günter
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Sienkiewicz Henryk
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Mickiewicz Adam
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Kühnemann Andreas
King Stephen
Калинина Дарья
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Francis H.G
Austen Jane
May Karol
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Stevenson Robert Louis
Voltz William
Wells H. G
Howard Robert E
Kipling Rudyard
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Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
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Steel Danielle (1947- )
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Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Кир Булычев
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Александрова Наталья
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McMason Fred
Haensel Hubert
Колычев Владимир
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Головачёв Василий
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Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Collins Wilkie
Żeleński-Boy Tadeusz
Marciniakówna Anna
Scott Walter
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Leblanc Maurice
Fischer Marie Louise
Grey Zane
Cooper James Fenimore
Suchanek Andreas
Orwell George
Sandemo Margit
Christie Agata (1890-1976)
Thurner Michael Marcus
Anton Uwe
Dumas Alexandre
Zola Émile
Brendel Walter
Simenon Georges
Galdós Benito Pérez
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2020 - 2024
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Literatura amerykańska
41 wyników Filtruj
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W sercu tętniącego życiem Londynu, kolumna ogłoszeń w gazecie staje się miejscem tajemniczych wiadomości, które prowadzą do intrygującej gry miłosnej i niebezpiecznej zagadki. Earl Derr Biggers, znany z serii o Charliem Chanie, zabiera czytelników w wir mrocznych uliczek i skrytych tajemnic, gdzie każde ogłoszenie może być kluczem do rozwiązania lub kolejnym krokiem w śmiertelnym tańcu. „Kolumna westchnień” to mistrzowsko skonstruowana opowieść o miłości, zbrodni i niewyjaśnionych tajemnicach, które trzymają w napięciu do samego końca.
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John Quincy Winterslip, membre de l'alta societat de Boston, viatja a Hawaii per visitar els seus familiars Dan i Amos, que fa anys que van deixar la ciutat a favor de la calma paradisíaca. Ara bé, a l'illa l'espera una sorpresa: Dan ha estat assassinat. Mentre investiga per descobrir la veritat, es deixa seduir per l'estil de vida de Honolulu, radicalment diferent de l'estrès bostonià. Per resoldre el misteri comptarà amb l'ajuda de la seva tia Minerva i de l'enigmàtic detectiu Charlie Chan, un home d'enginy i perspicàcia inigualables. La casa sense clau és el primer llibre de les aventures de Charlie Chan, el detectiu protagonista de diverses adaptacions cinematogràfiques i televisives durant la primera meitat del segle XX. En una època en què la literatura estatunidenca era plena de personatges asiàtics associats a estereotips negatius, Earl Derr Biggers va arriscar i guanyar amb la creació de Chan, un home noble, valent i heroic que no renega dels seus orígens. L'ambientació del misteri a un indret exòtic per al lector com Hawaii va ser un precedent per a sèries d'èxit com Hawaii 5.0 o Magnum P.I.
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The basic plot of this book is built around the reputation the Lloyds of London insurance firm had for ensuring all manner of unlikely propositions. Lord Harrowby is advised to marry a wealthy heiress. Luckily he meets Cynthia. She is rich, beautiful and willing to marry him. But, since he comes from a family of gamblers, he goes to Lloyds of London and takes an insurance policy to ensure his bride makes to the alter. Lloyds sends a handsome young man to make sure nothing stops the wedding. But, handsome young man meets beautiful young woman and falls in love, only to discover she is the bride to be. What follows is a comic novel of improbable dimensions, by the world-famous creator of Chinese detective Charlie Chan!
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"Seven Keys to Baldpate" – A young novelist William Magee travels to the Baldpate Mountain resort, seeking for solitude and inspiration for his greatest novel yet. Soon after he gets in, he finds out that he is not the only one there, for there are seven keys to the place and seven people with various stories of why they are there. "Love Insurance" – The American branch of Lloyds' insurers is specialized in unusual policies, but one day an impoverished Lord Harrowby showed up with the strangest claim of them all. He wants an insurance against his fiancée Cynthia Meyrick breaking off their engagement. "Inside the Lines" – World War I has started, Britain has gone up against Germany, and few Americans are stranded at Gibraltar desperate to catch a boat back home. Spies are everywhere and Germans are plotting to blow up the English troop at Gibraltar. "The Agony Column" (Second-Floor Mystery) – Geoffrey West is an American in London. Since arriving he has been fascinated by the Agony Column, a personal advertisements in newspapers. One morning he spots an American tourist girl reading the same section, decides to place an ad to catch her attention, and soon they start corresponding. "Fifty Candles" – Young Winthrop is in love with Mary Wills and longs to marry her. His pursuit of her will lead him to a party in the home of a former employer, a millionaire with more enemies than friends. Millionaire is killed at the party, no one can be ruled out as a suspect, and some clues point to Winthrop. "Charlie Chan Series" - Charlie is a Chinese American detective who lives on Hawaii and works for the Honolulu Police Department, but often travels around the world investigating mysteries and solving crimes.
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„Pięćdziesiąt świeczek” Earla Derr Biggersa, twórcy kultowego Charliego Chana, to opowieść, która z każdą stroną staje się coraz bardziej intrygująca i pełna nieprzewidywalnych zwrotów akcji. Kiedy bogaty biznesmen Henry Drew zostaje zamordowany na Hawajach, podejrzanych jest wielu. Czy to sprawka jego bratanka, który chciał odziedziczyć jego fortunę? Czy to zemsta byłej żony, która nie mogła pogodzić się z rozwodem? A może skutek tajemniczej przeszłości? W tej opowieści nic nie jest pewne, a prawda ukrywa się w cieniu każdej z pięćdziesięciu świeczek.
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„Pięćdziesiąt świeczek” Earla Derr Biggersa, twórcy kultowego Charliego Chana, to opowieść, która z każdą stroną staje się coraz bardziej intrygująca i pełna nieprzewidywalnych zwrotów akcji. Kiedy bogaty biznesmen Henry Drew zostaje zamordowany na Hawajach, podejrzanych jest wielu. Czy to sprawka jego bratanka, który chciał odziedziczyć jego fortunę? Czy to zemsta byłej żony, która nie mogła pogodzić się z rozwodem? A może skutek tajemniczej przeszłości? W tej opowieści nic nie jest pewne, a prawda ukrywa się w cieniu każdej z pięćdziesięciu świeczek.
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One of the most thrilling novel ever, this is a medley of mystery, farce and intrigue an especially fine example of the American mystery play and one of the outstanding dramatic successes of modern times. A hotel closed for the winter, a snowy night, our hero and a key begin this delightful mystery. As we soon learn, our hero looking only for solitude, isn’t the only one with a key. Other colorful characters arrive one by one... men and women with stories of love, loss, and flight... none of them telling the truth. Before the week is out, there will be gunfire, bribery, fights in the snow, and hidden truths unmasked. Biggers’ descriptions and snappy writing style promises a wonderful read.
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In 'Seven Keys to Baldpate', Earl Derr Biggers weaves a captivating mystery filled with complex characters, intricate plot twists, and clever dialogue. The novel, originally published in 1913, epitomizes the Golden Age of Detective Fiction with its cleverly constructed puzzles and unexpected revelations. Set in a secluded mountain resort, the story follows a novelist who is bet that he cannot write a complete book in 24 hours, leading to a thrilling tale of greed, deception, and hidden motives. Biggers' narrative style is both engaging and suspenseful, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the final resolution. This book serves as a prime example of early 20th-century American mystery fiction, showcasing the author's talent for crafting intricate tales of intrigue. Earl Derr Biggers, known for creating the iconic detective Charlie Chan, drew inspiration for 'Seven Keys to Baldpate' from his own experiences in the remote settings of upstate New York. His insight into human nature and sharp wit shine through in the characters he brings to life within the pages of this novel. I recommend 'Seven Keys to Baldpate' to mystery lovers and fans of classic detective fiction looking for a compelling and well-crafted read that stands the test of time.
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Contents of the collection: Moonlight at the crossroads Selling Miss Minerva The heart of the loaf Possessions The dollar chasers Idle hands The girl who paid dividends A letter to Australia Nina and the blemish Broadway Brocade. Earl Biggers was a master of stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and caste always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or scholars and illiterates. Of course, you can compare forever, but the fact that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a strong statement about humanity with all the history that is in the collection.Earl Biggers was a master in stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and castes has always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or verified and illiterate. Of course, the comparison can last forever, but the fact is that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a powerful statement about humanity with every history that is in the collection.
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Geoffrey West falls in love at first sight with a girl in a hotel breakfasting with her father. They’re all Americans, but the scene is London on the eve of the Great War. Both Geoffrey and his ladylove Marian are reading the personals (The Agony Column) of the Daily Mail. Later that day he has an idea to place an ad to catch her attention, and vows to send her a letter each day for a week to win her heart. Each letter becomes more interesting than the previous because West finds himself entangled in a murder mystery with new twists each day. To say more about what transpires would spoil the fun. The lightness of the story contrasts interestingly with the grim mood of England as Germany mobilizes.
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The Agony Column by Earl Derr Biggers. Motion picture The Second floor mystery, made in 1930 libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
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The death of Hollywood actress Shelah Fane in her Waikiki beach house brings Charlie Chan of the Honolulu police to seek the identity of the killer. The story behind her murder is linked with the three-year-old murder of another Hollywood actor and also connected with an enigmatic psychic named Tarneverro. Through the confusion of alibis, false clues, and bizarre characters, Chan moves with the utmost calm – until the classic „gathering of suspects” climax, when his form of justice hits with shattering force. This is the fourth of Earl Derr Biggers’ books in the Charlie Chan series. It is also the first book in which we meet Chan’s family. Well, his wife and four of his eleven children to be specific. Where the other seven kids have gone is never mentioned.
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Earl Derr Biggers’ second Charlie Chan novel took the detective to the California desert where he uncovers the reason for the mysterious disappearance of a millionaire. Biggers was always a great romance writer who simply incorporated mystery into his books to propel the story forward. The story concerns a valuable string of pearls which is purchased by a wealthy and eccentric financier. Charlie Chan embarks on an incognito journey across the desert to find the answer to a question – a question posed by a dead parrot who spoke in Chinese. Chan goes undercover to solve a complex triple intrigue of fake identity, kidnapping and murder. Charlie’s first trip to the mainland is a sparkling adventure full of mystery and old-fashioned romance.
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Earl Derr Biggers' The Complete Charlie Chan Series brings together all 6 of his beloved mystery novels in one comprehensive edition. Known for his engaging storytelling and clever plot twists, Biggers immerses readers into the world of the Chinese-American detective, Charlie Chan, as he tackles a variety of cases with his unique blend of wit and wisdom. Set in the early 20th century, these novels blend elements of traditional detective fiction with a focus on multiculturalism and the immigrant experience, offering readers a glimpse into a diverse and ever-changing society. Biggers' writing style is both entertaining and thought-provoking, making the series a must-read for fans of mystery and detective fiction. Earl Derr Biggers, best known for creating the iconic character of Charlie Chan, was an American author with a deep interest in Asian culture and literature. Inspired by his travels in Hawaii, Biggers sought to challenge stereotypes and provide a nuanced portrayal of a Chinese-American protagonist in a time of racial tensions. His experiences abroad and his dedication to promoting cultural understanding shine through in his works, making him a pioneer in representation and diversity in literature. I highly recommend The Complete Charlie Chan Series to readers who enjoy classic mystery novels with a unique and multicultural twist. Biggers' captivating storytelling and in-depth character development make this collection a timeless addition to any bookshelf. Whether you're a fan of detective fiction or interested in exploring themes of identity and belonging, this series is sure to delight and entertain.
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Charlie Chen – the hero of the detective series, owned by the pen of the American writer Earl D. Biggers. Biggers wrote about two dozen action stories and plays, but he has been preserved in the memory of many generations of readers primarily as the creator of the image of this handsome inspector, the immense thickness of a Chinese living in Honolulu, where he now has to deal with purely Chinese dexterity. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: „The House Without a Key”, „The Chinese Parrot”, „Behind That Curtain”, „The Black Camel”, „Charlie Chan Carries On”, „Keeper of the Keys”.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "The Complete Novels of Earl Derr Biggers" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: The Charlie Chan Series The House Without a Key The Chinese Parrot Behind That Curtain The Black Camel Charlie Chan Carries On Keeper of the Keys Other Novels Seven Keys to Baldpate Love Insurance Inside the Lines The Agony Column (Second-Floor Mystery) Fifty Candles Earl Derr Biggers (1884-1933) was an American novelist and playwright best known for his mystery novels. His first novel Seven Keys to Baldpate was a major success and it was adapted into several movies and plays. Even greater success came with his series of detective novels featuring Chinese American detective Charlie Chan. Many of his novels were made into movies.
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In 'The Greatest Mysteries of Earl Derr Biggers – 11 Titles in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)', readers are transported to a world of thrilling mysteries where detective Charlie Chan uses his wit and intuition to solve crimes. The classic whodunits are written in a compelling and engaging literary style, with intricate plot twists and well-developed characters. Earl Derr Biggers' work is considered a significant contribution to the genre of detective fiction, setting a benchmark for future mystery writers. The stories are also a reflection of the cultural and social contexts of the early 20th century, providing a glimpse into the anxieties and values of that time period. Earl Derr Biggers, a renowned American novelist and playwright, drew inspiration from his own experiences and observations to create the character of Charlie Chan. His background in journalism and his interest in detective stories influenced his writing style and choice of themes. Biggers' ability to craft intricate mysteries that keep readers on the edge of their seats has solidified his place in the literary world. For fans of classic detective fiction and those interested in exploring the origins of the genre, 'The Greatest Mysteries of Earl Derr Biggers' is a must-read. With its timeless appeal and rich storytelling, this collection of 11 titles in one volume showcases the brilliance of Earl Derr Biggers' work and will captivate readers from start to finish.
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In 'The Greatest Works of Earl Derr Biggers (Illustrated Edition)', readers are treated to a collection of the iconic author's best works. Earl Derr Biggers is known for his engaging storytelling, masterful use of suspense, and vivid character development. This comprehensive edition includes illustrations that bring the stories to life, providing readers with an immersive experience into Biggers' world of mystery and intrigue. The book's literary context lies in the realm of classic detective fiction, showcasing Biggers' influence on the genre. Earl Derr Biggers was a prolific author who drew inspiration from his travels and personal experiences to craft his timeless stories. His keen eye for detail and knack for creating compelling plots have made him a revered figure in mystery literature. Through his writing, Biggers captures the essence of the early 20th-century setting, allowing readers to time-travel through his narratives. I highly recommend 'The Greatest Works of Earl Derr Biggers (Illustrated Edition)' to fans of classic detective fiction and anyone looking for captivating storytelling. This collection is a testament to Biggers' talent and a must-have for those who appreciate well-crafted mysteries.
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Charlie Chan, the first Chinese detective in literature, is modeled after Chang Apana, a real-life police detective in Honolulu. A family originally from Boston, the Winterslips, has some members living in Hawaii. You can almost feel the gentle trade winds of Hawaii during the 1920s in this classic novel by Earl Derr Biggers. One of the wealthy Winterslips living in Hawaii is murdered. A younger member of the family, John Quincy Winterslip, has been sent to Boston to check up on his Aunt Minerva and persuade her to return to Boston. He arrives in Honolulu and gets involved in the investigation and is determined to see it through to the end, before he returns to the mainland. Romantic and full of atmosphere, this is a most enjoyable read that was our first introduction to Charlie Chan.
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Za kurtyną / Earl Derr Biggers. - [miejsce nieznane] : Saga Egmont : Legimi, 2022.
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W ekskluzywnym wieżowcu niespełna trzydziestoletniego milionera Bary'ego Kirka spotykają się sir Fryderyk Bruce - dymisjonowany detektyw Scotland Yardu oraz Charlie Chan - sierżant policji z Honolulu. Gdy na dwudziestym pierwszym piętrze apartamentowca odbywa się huczne przyjęcie, piętro niżej ktoś morduje Bruce'a. Chan rozpoczyna śledztwo, z którego wynika, że detektyw przybył do San Francisco w związku z prowadzoną przez siebie przed laty sprawą. W 1932 r. na podstawie książki został nakręcony amerykański kryminał "Charlie Chan's Chance", zaś w 1973 r. w ramach serii Teatr Sensacji "Kobra" zrealizowano w Polsce spektakl telewizyjny, w którym zagrali Karol Strasburger i Kalina Jędrusik. -
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