Wharton Edith
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Małżeństwo, zdrada, rozwód – wszystkie odcienie i wszystkie implikacje tych układów znajdują swe odbicie w opowiadaniach Edith Wharton. Pisane na przestrzeni lat 1904 – 1937, dają czytelnikowi perspektywę historyczną i społeczną, pozwalającą śledzić rozpadanie i formowanie się nowych obyczajów. Pisarka poszukuje nowego kodeksu etycznego, w oparciu o który mężczyzna i kobieta mogliby budować wspólne szczęśliwe życie. Bohaterowie tych opowieści, w kostiumach i dekoracjach „retro”, zaskakują aktualnością osobistych przeżyć.
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Sanctuary / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : KtoCzyta.pl : Legimi, 2020.
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Kate Orme is a young woman whose illusions of marital bliss are shattered when she comes face to face with the dark secret harbored by her fiancé, the wealthy and deceptively ebullient Denis. Kate decides to go ahead and by society’s willingness to overlook such transgressions, nevertheless marries him. Years later, her son faces a moral crisis similar to the one that showed her his father’s moral weakness. With the precision, beauty, and sharp awareness of the cracks in upper-class New York society that made her one of the great writers of the twentieth century, Edith Wharton offers a subtle critique of the nature versus nurture debate that raged in the early 1900s. „Sanctuary” is a spare and moving investigation of the forces that impel human beings toward sin, self-doubt, and redemption.
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"Santuario", publicada por primera vez en 1903, es una rarísima novela de Edith Wharton, inédita hasta hoy en castellano. La obra narra la historia de Kate Orme, una mujer joven cuya dicha conyugal se rompe cuando se enfrenta cara a cara con el oscuro secreto que esconde su prometido, Denis Peyton, un hombre de fortuna, pero con un pasado gobernado por las mentiras y por los engaños. Cuando ambos tienen un hijo, y Denis muere, Kate se convence de que el espíritu de su marido permanece en su joven vástago, traspasándole en cierto modo sus vicios morales. Se consagrará desde entonces a luchar para que eso no ocurra. Escrita mientras redactaba La casa de la alegría, Santuario es una pequeña joya oculta de Wharton, de prosa impecable, con momentos en que el suspense se hace casi insoportable. Una novela "europea", un melodrama casi jamesiano, que indaga sobre los misterios de la personalidad y las deudas del pasado. Con la precisión, la belleza, y el agudo conocimiento de los más íntimos resquicios de la sociedad de la clase alta de Nueva York que la convirtió en una de las grandes voces literarias del siglo XX, Edith Wharton ofrece un sutil relato de la lucha entre la naturaleza y lo adquirido, que dominó los primeros años del novecientos.
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Siostry Bunner / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : Saga Egmont : Legimi, 2023.
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Co lepsze: smutek braku perspektyw czy gorycz porażki?Anna Eliza i Ewelina, choć są siostrami, różnią się od siebie jak ogień i woda. Starsza stale się poświęca i podporządkowuje odgórnym zasadom. Młodsza nie ma tendencji do współodczuwania, skupia się raczej na sobie. Młode kobiety prowadzą wspólnie mały sklepik na przedmieściach Nowego Jorku i do tego właściwie ogranicza się cała ich życiowa aktywność. Sytuacja ulega zmianie, gdy starsza kupuje młodszej na urodziny zegar w sklepie prowadzonym przez interesującego mężczyznę. Anna Eliza pierwszy raz w życiu nabiera odwagi, by zawalczyć o siebie. Czy dostanie wsparcie od siostry? I czy dojrzały mężczyzna odwzajemni jej rozpaczliwe uczucie?Głęboka powieść psychologiczna laureatki Nagrody Pulitzera. Idealna propozycja lekturowa dla miłośników twórczości Marii Kuncewiczowej czy Zofii Nałkowskiej. -
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Summer / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : KtoCzyta.pl : Legimi, 2020.
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Considered by some to be her finest work, Edith Wharton’s „Summer” created a sensation when first published in 1917, as it was one of the first novels to deal honestly with a young woman’s sexual awakening. Seventeen-year-old Charity Royall is desperate to escape life with her hard-drinking adoptive father. Their isolated village stifles her, and his behavior increasingly disturbs her. When a young city architect Lucius Harney visits for the summer, it offers Charity the chance to break free. But as they embark on an intense affair, will it bring her another kind of trap? Praised for its realism and honesty by such writers as Joseph Conrad and Henry James and compared to Flaubert’s „Madame Bovary”, „Summer” remains as fresh and powerful a novel today as when it was first written.
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Summer Edith Wharton - Summer is a novel by Edith Wharton published in 1917 by Charles Scribner's Sons. The story is one of only two novels by Wharton to be set in New England; Wharton was best known for her portrayals of upper class New York society. The novel details the sexual awakening of its protagonist, Charity Royall, and her cruel treatment by the father of her child, and shares many plot similarities with Wharton's better known novel, Ethan Frome. Only moderately well-received when originally published, Summer has had a resurgence in critical popularity since the 1960s.
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In 1921, Edith Wharton became the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize, earning the award for „The Age of Innocence”. But Wharton also wrote several other novels, as well as poems and short stories that made her not only famous but popular among her contemporaries. „Tales of Men and Ghosts” (1910) consists of ten masterful ghost stories that listed here in chronological order of their original publication dates: „The Bolted Door”, „His Father’s Son”, „The Daunt Diana”, „The Debt”, „Full Circle”, „The Legend”, „The Eyes”, „The Blond Beast”, „Afterward” and „The Letters”. Despite the title, the men outnumber the ghosts, since only „The Eyes” and „Afterward” actually call on the supernatural. In only two of the stories are women the central characters, though elsewhere they play important roles. If you have never read Edith Wharton’s fantasy work before, you will be captivated and delighted.
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EDITH WHARTON (1862-1937) was one of the most remarkable women of her time, and her immense commercial and critical success-most notably with her novel "The Age of Innocense" (1920), which won a Pulitzer Prize-have long overshadowed her small but distinguished body of supernatural fiction. Some of her finest fantastic and detective work (which oft times overlap) was first collected in 1909 in "Tales of Men and Ghosts." The psychological horror is as important as the literal one here, and subtle ambiguities characterized by the best of Henry James's work (such as "The Turn of the Screw") are also present in Wharton's character studies, such as "The Bolted Door." Is the protagonist a murderer, or is he mad? In the end it may not matter, for it is his descent into madness and obsession that gives the story its chilling frisson. Other tales present men (or ghosts, or what men believe to be ghosts) in a variety of lights, from misunderstood monsters to vengeful spirits to insecure artists. If you have never read Edith Wharton's fantasy work before, you will be captivated and delighted.
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The Age of Innocence is Edith Wharton's twelfth novel, initially serialized in four parts in the Pictorial Review magazine in 1920, and later released by D. Appleton and Company as a book in New York and in London. It won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, making Wharton the first woman to win the prize. Though the committee initially agreed to award the prize to Sinclair Lewis, the judges rejected his Main Street on political grounds and "established Wharton as the American 'First Lady of Letters'", the irony being that the committee had awarded The Age of Innocence the prize on grounds that negated Wharton's own blatant and subtle ironies, which constitute and make the book so worthy of attention. The story is set in upper-class New York City in the 1870s, during the Gilded Age. Wharton wrote the book in her 50s, after she had established herself as a strong author with publishers clamoring for her work. The Age of Innocence centers on an upper-class couple's impending marriage, and the introduction of the bride's cousin, plagued by scandal, whose presence threatens their happiness. Though the novel questions the assumptions and morals of 1870s New York society, it never develops into an outright condemnation of the institution.The novel is noted for Wharton's attention to detail and its accurate portrayal of how the 19th-century East Coast American upper class lived, and the social tragedy of its plot. Wharton was 58 years old at publication; she had lived in that world and had seen it change dramatically by the end of World War I. The title is an ironic comment on the polished outward manners of New York society when compared to its inward machinations. It is believed to have been drawn from the popular 1785 painting A Little Girl by Sir Joshua Reynolds that later became known as The Age of Innocence and was widely reproduced as the commercial face of childhood in the later half of the 18th century.
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One of Edith Wharton’s most famous novels – the first by a woman to win the Pulitzer Prize – exquisitely details a tragic struggle between love and responsibility during the sumptuous Golden Age of Old New York, a time when society people „dreaded scandal more than disease”. Newland Archer, a restrained young attorney, is engaged to the lovely May Welland but falls in love with May’s beautiful and unconventional cousin, Countess Ellen Olenska who returns to New York after a disastrous marriage to a Polish count. Torn between duty and passion, Archer struggles to make a decision that will either courageously define his life or mercilessly destroy it. An incisive look at the ways desire and emotion must negotiate the complex rules of society, „The Age of Innocence” is one of Wharton’s most moving works.
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«The Age of Innocence» tells the story of a forthcoming society wedding, and the threat to the happy couple from the appearance in their midst of an exotic and beautiful femme fatale, a cousin of the bride. Newland Archer is a distinguished lawyer looking forward to his marriage to shy, lovely, sheltered May Welland. But when he meets Countess Ellen Olenska, scandalously separated from her European husband, a Polish count, he falls hopelessly in love and blights his marriage to May by failing to break off his relationship with the countess. Meanwhile, in a typical Wharton twist, Newland Archer's bride may be timid, but she is determined to marry her fiance and uses all the power of New York society to bring him to heel.
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Discover a timeless masterpiece! Delve into Edith Wharton's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "The Age of Innocence," and immerse yourself in the intricate social tapestry of 1870s New York high society. This compelling tale captures the conflict between personal freedom and societal expectations through the eyes of Newland Archer, whose planned marriage to the innocent May Welland is disrupted by the arrival of the exotic Countess Ellen Olenska. Will he follow his duty or his heart? A Journey of Passion and Duty. Explore the lavish banquets, opulent balls, and sumptuous attire that define an era of excess, all while the characters navigate a minefield of social decorum and internal desires. Wharton's brilliant narrative invites you to experience the struggles of love trapped by tradition. Acclaimed and Beloved. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and heralded as one of the greatest novels of the 20th century, "The Age of Innocence" not only offers a window into a bygone era but also resonates with contemporary relevance. Its exploration of societal norms and personal fulfillment has enchanted readers for generations. Why Readers Adore This Book. Fans of historical fiction praise "The Age of Innocence" for its detailed setting and emotional depth. Critics applaud it for its incisive look into the choices that define us. Join the ranks of satisfied readers who have journeyed through the glittering yet stifling corridors of old New York. Dive into the Elegance of a Past Era! Don't miss out on this enchanting narrative that beautifully juxtaposes the splendors and constraints of 19th-century New York society. Add "The Age of Innocence" to your reading list and unlock the secrets of a world where duty and desire collide. Get Your Copy Today! Embark on a journey of discovery and dilemma with "The Age of Innocence." Click "Buy Now" to experience Edith Wharton's celebrated novel and uncover the layers of human emotions wrapped in the grandeur of the Gilded Age.
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Step into a bygone era of extravagant balls and hidden desires. Edith Wharton's timeless novel "The Age of Innocence" paints a captivating portrait of New York's glittering Gilded Age. Delve into a world of social etiquette and unspoken emotions, where a young lawyer, Newland Archer, finds himself torn between societal expectations and a forbidden love. Experience the allure and constraints of high society, the weight of tradition, and the yearning for authenticity. "A masterpiece of social commentary...Wharton's prose is as sharp as ever." - The New York Times Book Review Uncover the secrets and scandals that lie beneath the surface. Download your copy of "The Age of Innocence" today and embark on a captivating journey through a bygone era!
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Step Back in Time to Gilded Age New York Edith Wharton's "The Age of Innocence" is a captivating novel that explores love, loss, and societal constraints in New York's opulent Gilded Age. Navigate the glittering ballrooms and follow the story of Newland Archer, a young man torn between his societal obligations and a forbidden love. Will he succumb to the pressures of his social circle or fight for a chance at true happiness? Discover the complexities of love and the weight of tradition in this timeless masterpiece. Consider adding a social proof element here if you have any testimonials or awards for the eBook. Uncover the secrets of "The Age of Innocence" today! Scroll up and click "Buy Now" to embark on this unforgettable literary adventure.
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Unveil the layers of love, loss, and societal constraints in Edith Wharton's timeless novel, "The Age of Innocence." Step back into opulent New York City during the Gilded Age. Newland Archer, a young man on the cusp of marriage, finds his world turned upside down when his childhood friend, the captivating Countess Ellen Olenska, returns. Torn between societal expectations and a passionate yearning, Newland embarks on a journey that will redefine his understanding of love, loyalty, and the masks we wear in the name of propriety. "Wharton's masterpiece remains a poignant exploration of societal constraints and the complexities of the human heart. A must-read for anyone interested in classic literature and timeless themes." - The New York Times Dive into this captivating tale of love and loss. Purchase "The Age of Innocence" today and rediscover the power of Wharton's prose.
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A Masterful Tale of Forbidden Love. In "The Age of Innocence," Edith Wharton crafts a poignant exploration of love constrained by societal expectations. Follow Newland Archer as he grapples with his impending marriage to May Welland and his profound attraction to the scandalous Countess Ellen Olenska. Uncover the Splendor and Hypocrisy of 1870s New York. Wharton uses her sharp narrative to dissect the norms of a society that prizes appearance over authenticity. Each page of this novel is draped in the luxury of the upper class, yet filled with the silent battles of personal freedom. Critically Acclaimed and Universally Cherished. Awarded the Pulitzer Prize and esteemed as a pivotal work of American literature, "The Age of Innocence" is celebrated for its deep character studies and its incisive criticism of the opulence and moral rigidity of its time. A Book That Resonates Across Ages. Wharton's novel remains profoundly relevant, reflecting the eternal clash between societal expectations and the wild, often reckless beats of the human heart. Unlock the Secrets of Old New York! Purchase your copy of "The Age of Innocence" today and dive into a world where love dares to challenge the rules of society.
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Step into the Elegance of the Past. "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journey, transports you to the lavish world of 1870s New York, where the glittering surface hides layers of social intrigue. Witness the story of Newland Archer, who stands at a crossroads between following his heart to the enigmatic Countess Olenska and remaining loyal to his betrothed, May Welland. Experience High Society's Hidden Agendas. From opulent Fifth Avenue mansions to discreet rendezvous in rose-filled gardens, the novel paints a vivid portrait of an era where appearance was everything, but emotions ran deep beneath. Wharton's eloquent prose and sharp wit cut to the heart of Archer's turmoil in a society bound by rigid rules yet tempted by the whisper of change. Join Millions Who Adore This Classic. Lauded for its critical examination of the upper class and its precise depiction of the period, "The Age of Innocence" continues to captivate scholars and romantics alike. It's more than a novel—it's a doorway to a time capsule of desires and decisions. Your Invitation to the Golden Age. Are you ready to navigate the complexities of love and tradition with Newland Archer? Experience the passions and constraints of Gilded Age New York firsthand. Embrace the Journey Now! Click "Buy Now" and let Edith Wharton's "The Age of Innocence" sweep you off your feet with its timeless narrative and unforgettable characters.
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The Age of Innocence is a 1920 novel by American author Edith Wharton. It was her twelfth novel, and was initially serialized in 1920 in four parts, in the magazine Pictorial Review. Later that year, it was released as a book by D. Appleton & Company. It won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, making Wharton the first woman to win the prize. Though the committee had initially agreed to give the award to Sinclair Lewis for Main Street, the judges, in rejecting his book on political grounds, "established Wharton as the American 'First Lady of Letters'". The story is set in the 1870s, in upper-class, "Gilded-Age" New York City. Wharton wrote the book in her 50s, after she had established herself as a strong author, with publishers clamoring for her work
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Język angielskiPoziom B1–B2 Lubisz dobre powieści, a jednocześnie chcesz doskonalić swój angielski?Mamy dla Ciebie idealne połączenie!Klasyka literatury światowej w wersji do nauki języka angielskiego. Nowy Jork, lata siedemdziesiąte XIX wieku. Ellen Olenska, która niegdyś podjęła odważną i nieakceptowalną przez arystokratyczne środowisko decyzję o odejściu od męża, po kilku latach nieobecności wraca do miasta. Famme fatale, należąca do tej hermetycznej społeczności, dziś jawnie pogardza jej zachowaniami. Jedno może być pewne – jej powrót sporo namiesza. Zwłaszcza w życiu młodego prawnika Newlanda Archera i jego narzeczonej Mary Welland. Przekonaj się, że nauka języka obcego może być przyjemnością, której nie sposób się oprzeć.
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Język angielskiPoziom B1–B2 Lubisz czytać dobre powieści, a jednocześnie chcesz doskonalić swój angielski?Mamy dla Ciebie idealne połączenie!Klasyka literatury światowej w wersji do nauki języka angielskiego. CZYTAJ – SŁUCHAJ – ĆWICZ CZYTAJ – dzięki oryginalnemu angielskiemu tekstowi powieści The Age of Innocence przyswajasz nowe słówka i uczysz się ich zastosowania w zdaniach. Wciągająca fabuła książki sprawi, że nie będziesz mógł się oderwać od lektury, co zapewni regularność nauki. SŁUCHAJ – pobierz bezpłatne nagranie oryginalnego tekstu powieści dostępne na poltext.pl/pobierz. Czytaj, jednocześnie słuchając nagrania, i utrwalaj wymowę. ĆWICZ – do każdego rozdziału powieści przygotowane zostały specjalne dodatki, m.in.: na marginesach stron znajdziesz minisłownik i objaśnienia trudniejszych wyrazów; w części O słowach poszerzysz słownictwo z danej dziedziny, a w części gramatycznej poznasz struktury i zagadnienia językowe; dzięki zamieszczonym na końcu rozdziału testom i różnorodnym ćwiczeniom sprawdzisz rozumienie przeczytanego tekstu; odpowiedzi do wszystkich zadań zamkniętych znajdziesz w kluczu na końcu książki. Przekonaj się, że nauka języka obcego może być przyjemnością, której nie sposób się oprzeć. POSZERZAJ SŁOWNICTWO – UTRWALAJ – UCZ SIĘ WYMOWY Nowy Jork, lata siedemdziesiąte XIX wieku. Ellen Olenska, która niegdyś podjęła odważną i nieakceptowalną przez arystokratyczne środowisko decyzję o odejściu od męża, po kilku latach nieobecności wraca do miasta. Famme fatale, należąca do tej hermetycznej społeczności, dziś jawnie pogardza jej zachowaniami. Jedno może być pewne – jej powrót sporo namiesza. Zwłaszcza w życiu młodego prawnika Newlanda Archera i jego narzeczonej Mary Welland. **** Edith Wharton – amerykańska pisarka, autorka kilkudziesięciu książek i pierwsza kobieta, która otrzymała Nagrodę Pulitzera. Wielokrotnie nominowana do Nagrody Nobla. Pochodziła z zamożnej nowojorskiej rodziny. W swojej twórczości zajmowała się uprzywilejowanymi klasami Ameryki, przenikliwie przyglądała się zmianom obyczajowym i nie szczędziła przy tym zjadliwych komentarzy. Marta Fihel – anglistka, nauczycielka z wieloletnim stażem. Współautorka książek do nauki języka angielskiego i słowników. Marcin Jażyński – doktor filozofii UW. Zajmuje się kognitywistyką, reżyseruje filmy animowane. Współpracuje z Collegium Civitas oraz Gimnazjum Społecznym w Milanówku. Uczy filozofii, logiki i filmu animowanego. Grzegorz Komerski – absolwent filozofii, tłumacz, współautor książek do nauki języka angielskiego. Prowadzi blog komerski.pl poświęcony historii języków i etymologii.
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