Shelley Mary
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : Potop : Legimi, 2021.
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Oryginalna powieść, która stała się legendą. Angielski żeglarz Robert Walton utknął wśród arktycznych lodów. Pewnego dnia do jego statku dociera na saniach wycieńczony rozbitek: szwajcarski przyrodnik Wiktor Frankenstein. Gdy odzyskuje siły, rozpoczyna niesamowitą opowieść o najwspanialszym i najstraszniejszym dziele swego życia: ulepionej w laboratorium ludzkiej istocie, która obróciła się przeciwko niemu… „Frankenstein” to więcej niż powieść, to nowożytny mit. Zrodził się w okolicznościach, które obrosły legendą: w 1816, słynnym „roku bez lata”, u podnóża szwajcarskich Alp, z gotyckiej zabawy poetów romantycznych, którzy umilali sobie deszczowe wieczory wymyślaniem opowieści niesamowitych. 19-letnia Mary Shelley zamknęła w nim swe refleksje o istocie życia, doświadczenie wczesnego macierzyństwa, fascynację i przerażenie potęgą nauki, senne i nie tylko senne koszmary. © 2021 POTOP (Audiobook) ISBN: 9788396048301Tytuł oryginalny: FrankenstienTłumaczenie: Henryk Goldmann
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Opętany obsesją szalony naukowiec Victor Frankenstein plądruje cmentarze w poszukiwaniu materiału do stworzenia nowego życia. Jednak istota, którą udało mu się wskrzesić, nie spełnia jego oczekiwań. Odrzucona przez Frankensteina i pozbawiona ludzkiego towarzystwa, postanawia zniszczyć swojego stwórcę i wszystko, co jest mu drogie. Ta mrożąca krew w żyłach gotycka powieść, która powstała, gdy Mary Shelley miała zaledwie dziewiętnaście lat, stała się zaczątkiem nowego gatunku. Zyskała status doskonałego studium granic ludzkiej kreatywności i niszczenia oraz jednego z najsłynniejszych horrorów świata.
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : Musaicum Books : Legimi, 2017.
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Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' is a groundbreaking work of Gothic fiction that examines themes of ambition, scientific ethics, and the consequences of playing god. Written in an epistolary style, the novel weaves together multiple narratives to create a complex and thought-provoking story that challenges societal norms and expectations. Set in the Romantic period, 'Frankenstein' reflects the anxieties surrounding technological advancements and the potential dangers of unchecked scientific experimentation. Shelley's vivid descriptions and intricate character development make the novel a timeless classic in the literary canon. Mary Shelley, inspired by a haunted summer in Switzerland, penned 'Frankenstein' at the young age of 18. As the daughter of famed writers Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, Shelley was no stranger to intellectual pursuits and philosophical debates. Her personal experiences with loss and tragedy heavily influenced the themes present in 'Frankenstein', adding depth and emotion to the narrative. I highly recommend 'Frankenstein' to readers interested in exploring deep moral dilemmas, the limits of human ambition, and the consequences of overreaching scientific endeavors. Mary Shelley's masterpiece continues to captivate audiences with its complex characters and timeless themes.
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is the original 1818 'Uncensored' Edition of Frankenstein as first published anonymously in 1818. This original version is much more true to the spirit of the author's original intentions than the heavily revised 1831 edition, edited by Shelley, in part, because of pressure to make the story more conservative. Many scholars prefer the 1818 text to the more common 1831 edition. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelley about a creature produced by an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was nineteen, and the novel was published when she was twenty-one. The first edition was published anonymously in London in 1818. Shelley's name appears on the second edition, published in France in 1823. Shelley had travelled in the region of Geneva, where much of the story takes place, and the topics of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her future husband, Percy Shelley. The storyline emerged from a dream. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron, and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for weeks about what her possible storyline could be, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made. She then wrote Frankenstein.
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : Saga Egmont : Legimi, 2020.
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Die weltbekannte Geschichte eines Experiments, das aus dem Ruder läuft und Tod und Schaden anrichtet: Der junge Schweizer Viktor Frankenstein erschafft an der Universität Ingolstadt einen künstlichen Menschen. Als dieser jedoch viel hässlicher und furchteinflößender ist, als gedacht, flieht Viktor vor ihm und das Wesen entkommt. Doch es dauert nicht lange, bis der erste Todesfall in seiner Familie eintritt, und er bleibt nicht der letzte...-
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : Classics HQ : Legimi, 2022.
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, generally known as Frankenstein, is a novel written by the British author Mary Shelley. The title of the novel refers to a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who learns how to create life and creates a being in the likeness of man, but larger than average and more powerful. In popular culture, people have tended to refer to the Creature as "Frankenstein", despite this being the name of the scientist. Frankenstein is a novel infused with some elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement. It was also a warning against the "over-reaching" of modern man and the Industrial Revolution, alluded to in the novel's subtitle, The Modern Prometheus. The story has had an influence across literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories and films. It is arguably considered the first fully realized science fiction novel.
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : knowledge house : Legimi, 2022.
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Mary Shelley began writing Frankenstein when she was only eighteen. At once a Gothic thriller, a passionate romance, and a cautionary tale about the dangers of science, Frankenstein tells the story of committed science student Victor Frankenstein. Obsessed with discovering the cause of generation and life and bestowing animation upon lifeless matter, Frankenstein assembles a human being from stolen body parts but; upon bringing it to life, he recoils in horror at the creature's hideousness. Tormented by isolation and loneliness, the once-innocent creature turns to evil and unleashes a campaign of murderous revenge against his creator, Frankenstein. Frankenstein, an instant bestseller and an important ancestor of both the horror and science fiction genres, not only tells a terrifying story, but also raises profound, disturbing questions about the very nature of life and the place of humankind within the cosmos: What does it mean to be human? What responsibilities do we have to each other? How far can we go in tampering with Nature? In our age, filled with news of organ donation genetic engineering, and bio-terrorism, these questions are more relevant than ever. A masterpiece. —Phillip Pullman One of the most original and complete productions of the day. —Percy Bysshe Shelley The greatest paradox and most astonishing achievement of Mary Shelley's novel is that the monster is more human than his creator. This nameless being, as much a modern Adam as his creator is a modern Prometheus, is more lovable than his creator and more hateful, more to be pitied and more to be feared, and above all able to give the attentive reader that shock of added consciousness in which aesthetic recognition compels a heightened realization of self. —Harold Bloom
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : e-artnow : Legimi, 2015.
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Este ebook presenta "Frankenstein", con un índice dinámico y detallado. Es una obra literaria de Mary Shelley, publicada en 1818. La novela narra la historia de Víctor Frankenstein, un joven suizo, estudiante de medicina en Ingolstadt, obsesionado por conocer "los secretos del cielo y la tierra". En su afán por desentrañar "la misteriosa alma del hombre", Víctor crea un cuerpo a partir de la unión de distintas partes de cadáveres diseccionados. El experimento concluye con éxito cuando Frankenstein, rodeado de sus instrumentos, infunde una chispa de vida al monstruoso cuerpo. Mary Shelley (1797 - 1851), fue una narradora, dramaturga, ensayista, filósofa y biógrafa británica, reconocida sobre todo por ser la autora de la novela gótica Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo.
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : HB Classics : Legimi, 2022.
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Mary Shelley began writing Frankenstein when she was only eighteen. At once a Gothic thriller, a passionate romance, and a cautionary tale about the dangers of science, Frankenstein tells the story of committed science student Victor Frankenstein. Obsessed with discovering the cause of generation and life and bestowing animation upon lifeless matter, Frankenstein assembles a human being from stolen body parts but; upon bringing it to life, he recoils in horror at the creature's hideousness. Tormented by isolation and loneliness, the once-innocent creature turns to evil and unleashes a campaign of murderous revenge against his creator, Frankenstein. Frankenstein, an instant bestseller and an important ancestor of both the horror and science fiction genres, not only tells a terrifying story, but also raises profound, disturbing questions about the very nature of life and the place of humankind within the cosmos: What does it mean to be human? What responsibilities do we have to each other? How far can we go in tampering with Nature? In our age, filled with news of organ donation genetic engineering, and bio-terrorism, these questions are more relevant than ever. A masterpiece. —Phillip Pullman One of the most original and complete productions of the day. —Percy Bysshe Shelley The greatest paradox and most astonishing achievement of Mary Shelley's novel is that the monster is more human than his creator. This nameless being, as much a modern Adam as his creator is a modern Prometheus, is more lovable than his creator and more hateful, more to be pitied and more to be feared, and above all able to give the attentive reader that shock of added consciousness in which aesthetic recognition compels a heightened realization of self. —Harold Bloom
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A gifted scientist attempts to break new boundaries and create human life from nothing, but will his quest drive him mad, and can he control the monster he has created? Frankenstein is a masterpiece of suspense. It was written by Mary Shelley when she was only 18 as the result of a playful suggestion by friends that they each write a ghost story. The originality and depth of her finished piece stunned her friends and continues to thrill readers. The question in the book is can man control all he creates?
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In the Longsellers collection, you will find the most read and loved books of all time. Published in 1818, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, became a classic whenever we talk about the origins of science fiction. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. The novel has had a considerable influence on literature and on popular culture; it has spawned a complete genre of horror stories, films, and plays. Mary Shelley was an English novelist who also wrote the novels The Last Man, Lodore and Falkner. She also edited and promoted the works of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley. This book contains the biography of Mary Shelley written by Lucy Madox Rossetti. We hope you'll love this book as much we do, and don't forget to check the rest of the collection for more beloved classics.
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : Bookish : Legimi, 2023.
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A Gripping Tale of Science, Monstrosity, and the Human Search for Identity Embark on a thrilling journey into the realm of scientific ambition and its monstrous consequences in Mary Shelley's groundbreaking masterpiece, Frankenstein. Follow the story of Victor Frankenstein, a brilliant but obsessive scientist, as he attempts to unravel the secrets of life and create a sentient being from inanimate matter. Driven by an insatiable desire for knowledge and the power to conquer death, Victor assembles his creation from body parts, unaware of the horrors he is about to unleash. Upon breathing life into his creation, Victor is horrified by the creature's grotesque appearance and abandons it, leaving it to fend for itself in a world that rejects and despises it. Alone and ostracized, the creature yearns for acceptance, love, and a place in society. It seeks out Victor, demanding that he create a companion for it, promising to leave humanity in peace if his request is granted. However, Victor, consumed by guilt and fear, reneges on his promise, leading the creature to embark on a path of vengeance, wreaking havoc and destruction in its wake. Frankenstein explores profound themes of creation, responsibility, and the consequences of scientific ambition. It challenges readers to confront their perceptions of beauty, humanity, and the nature of life itself. Shelley's timeless masterpiece continues to captivate and inspire readers, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape. Delve into the depths of scientific pursuit and the consequences of unchecked ambition. Download your copy of Frankenstein today and experience a literary masterpiece that has stood the test of time.
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelley. - [miejsce nieznane] : Zeuk Media : Legimi, 2020.
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Mary Shelley comenzó a escribir Frankenstein cuando solo tenía dieciocho años. Inmediatamente un thriller gótico, un romance apasionado y una historia de advertencia sobre los peligros de la ciencia, Frankenstein cuenta la historia del comprometido estudiante de ciencias Victor Frankenstein. Obsesionado con descubrir la causa de la generación y la vida y con la animación de la materia sin vida, Frankenstein reúne a un ser humano a partir de partes del cuerpo robadas, pero; Al darle vida, retrocede horrorizado ante la horrorosa criatura. Atormentada por el aislamiento y la soledad, la criatura una vez inocente se convierte en malvada y desata una campaña de venganza asesina contra su creador, Frankenstein.Frankenstein, un éxito de ventas instantáneo y un importante antepasado de los géneros de terror y ciencia ficción, no solo cuenta una historia aterradora, sino que también plantea preguntas profundas e inquietantes sobre la naturaleza misma de la vida y el lugar de la humanidad dentro del cosmos: ¿Qué hace? significa ser humano? ¿Qué responsabilidades tenemos el uno con el otro? ¿Hasta dónde podemos llegar para alterar la naturaleza? En nuestra era, llena de noticias sobre donación de órganos, ingeniería genética y bioterrorismo, estas preguntas son más relevantes que nunca.
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„Z okrzykiem grozy zerwałem się ze snu. Zimny pot pokrył mi czoło, zęby zaczęły mi szczękać i drżałem kurczowo na całym ciele. A równocześnie przy mdłym i żółtawym świetle księżyca, wdzierającym się poprzez okiennice, zobaczyłem tę ohydę – nieszczęsnego potwora, którego stworzyłem. Uniósłszy firanki łóżka, utkwił we mnie swoje oczy, jeśli oczami można by je nazwać. Szczęki jego otwierały się i wymamrotał kilka nieartykułowanych dźwięków, podczas gdy grymas uśmiechu zmarszczył mu policzki...” Jedna z najbardziej znanych powieści grozy. Książka, która stanowiła pierwowzór dla niezliczonej ilości adaptacji filmowych, które jednak dość często znacznie odbiegały od oryginalnej postaci stworzonej przez Mary Shelley. Oto prawdziwa opowieść o Wiktorze Frankensteinie i jego dziele. Historia ambicji, odpowiedzialności za własne czyny, odtrącenia i samotności, krzywdy i zemsty...
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Frankenstein o El moderno Prometeo es la creación de una joven Mary Shelley en 1815. El relato, iniciado en una temporada de encierro y tertulias, se convirtió en una de las novelas imprescindibles del romanticismo gótico. Mary Shelley, a quien solo en una segunda edición se le permitiría asumir la autoría, es la madame del terror moderno. En esta se destaca de manera grandiosa la febril imaginación de una joven novelista atrapada una temporada en una gran mansión, en compañía, además, de algunos de los personajes más interesantes y elocuentes de la época, como Lord Byron, quienes inspiraron uno de los más importantes relatos de la literatura. Lo más impresionante de la hazaña de Shelley, no fue solo concebir este monstruo, o extraordinario fue dotarlo de espíritu humano.
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an 1818 novel written by English author Mary Shelley. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition was published anonymously in London on 1 January 1818, when she was 20. Her name first appeared in the second edition, which was published in Paris in 1821. Shelley travelled through Europe in 1815 along the river Rhine in Germany, stopping in Gernsheim, 17 kilometres (11 mi) away from Frankenstein Castle, where two centuries before, an alchemist engaged in experiments. She then journeyed to the region of Geneva, Switzerland, where much of the story takes place. Galvanism and occult ideas were topics of conversation among her companions, particularly her lover and future husband Percy B. Shelley. In 1816, Mary, Percy and Lord Byron had a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for days, Shelley was inspired to write Frankenstein after imagining a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made. Though Frankenstein is infused with elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement, Brian Aldiss has argued that it should be considered the first true science fiction story. In contrast to previous stories with fantastical elements resembling those of later science fiction, Aldiss states that the central character "makes a deliberate decision" and "turns to modern experiments in the laboratory" to achieve fantastic results. The novel has had a considerable influence on literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories, films, and plays.
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In Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein (Gothic Classic - The Uncensored 1818 Edition)', readers are transported into a world of science, ambition, and the consequences of playing God. Through the haunting tale of Victor Frankenstein and his creation, Shelley explores themes of power, responsibility, and the essence of humanity. The novel is written in a style that combines Gothic elements with philosophical reflections, making it a compelling and thought-provoking read. The descriptive prose and eerie atmosphere add to the overall impact of the story, drawing readers into a world of fear and moral ambiguity. 'Frankenstein' stands as a testament to Shelley's literary prowess and enduring influence on the horror genre. Mary Shelley's personal experiences, including the loss of her own child and the challenges of being a female writer in the 19th century, likely influenced her creation of this timeless masterpiece. Her unique perspective and imaginative storytelling have solidified her place in literary history. I highly recommend 'Frankenstein' to readers who enjoy thought-provoking narratives, Gothic literature, and exploring the depths of human nature.
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is the original 1818 'Uncensored' Edition of Frankenstein as first published anonymously in 1818. This original version is much more true to the spirit of the author's original intentions than the heavily revised 1831 edition, edited by Shelley, in part, because of pressure to make the story more conservative. Many scholars prefer the 1818 text to the more common 1831 edition. Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley about a creature produced by an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was nineteen, and the novel was published when she was twenty-one. Shelley had travelled in the region of Geneva, where much of the story takes place, and the topics of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her future husband, Percy Shelley. The storyline emerged from a dream. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron, and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for weeks about what her possible storyline could be, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made. She then wrote Frankenstein.
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Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' is a groundbreaking work of gothic fiction that delves into themes of creation, ambition, and the consequences of playing God. Written in the early 19th century, the novel is known for its intricate narrative structure, combining elements of horror, science fiction, and philosophical inquiry. The original 1818 edition offers readers a raw and unaltered look at the story of Victor Frankenstein and his ill-fated experiment to create life, showcasing Shelley's skill in crafting a gripping and thought-provoking tale. The prose is rich in detail and evocative language, inviting readers into a world of moral dilemmas and existential questions. Mary Shelley, as the daughter of famed writers Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, was exposed to intellectual and literary circles from a young age. The tragic events in her personal life, including the loss of her children, may have influenced her exploration of grief and loss in 'Frankenstein.' Shelley's background in Romantic literature and her own experiences with loss contribute to the depth and complexity of the novel. I highly recommend 'Frankenstein' to readers interested in exploring the darker aspects of human nature, the ethical implications of scientific advancement, and the enduring appeal of gothic fiction. Mary Shelley's timeless work continues to provoke discussion and reflection on the human condition, making it a must-read for fans of classic literature.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "Frankenstein (The Uncensored 1818 Edition)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is the original 1818 'Uncensored' Edition of Frankenstein as first published anonymously in 1818. This original version is much more true to the spirit of the author's original intentions than the heavily revised 1831 edition, edited by Shelley, in part, because of pressure to make the story more conservative. Many scholars prefer the 1818 text to the more common 1831 edition. Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley about a creature produced by an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was nineteen, and the novel was published when she was twenty-one. Shelley had travelled in the region of Geneva, where much of the story takes place, and the topics of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her future husband, Percy Shelley. The storyline emerged from a dream. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron, and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for weeks about what her possible storyline could be, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made. She then wrote Frankenstein.
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